
Cllr. D. Inch


Mrs. J. Burdon

(Parish Clerk)

Cllr. G. Rowe



Cllr. M. Edyvean

Cllr. D. Yelland

Cllr. Mrs. J. Oxenham


Cllr. P. Ames

Cwll. Cllr. J. Wood

Mr. Peter Guest





Apologies:- Councillors Mrs. J. Norris, Mrs. S. Tippett, P. Jones.



Public Forum:-  Mr. Peter Guest reported he sent a report from the police from the last meeting, he has nothing to raise this evening.



Members Declaration of Interest on items raised on the Agenda/Requests for Dispensation:- None.



Monthly Cornwall Councillor Report:- Cornwall Councillor J. Wood reported as follows:-

·       Cornwall Council Tax to rise by 4.9%.

·       As from 1st April all Cornwall Council staff who are on the minimum wage will have been transferred to the Living wage of £9.50 per hour.

·       Before the Brexit deal Cornwall was ‘promised’ that the level of funding for Cornwall would remain the same as the European funding which was approximately 100 million for the next financial year. Sorry folks it looks like we are going to get 10 million out of the 220 million for the whole country.

·       Cornwall moved out of level 1 and into level 2 for Government aid. So no longer a priority  for the shared prosperity fund.

·       Good news Lithium reserves are proving very promising in the next few years we could see 3/400 jobs being created.

·       After 28th March those seeking election will be able to hand deliver leaflets. Plenty of advice, etc on the Cornwall Council website.

·       I have been in contact with DPD about their vehicles being parked around the village again.

·       Isabel Rose, Rosemellyn – one caravan has been sold and the land is going back to auction.  Enforcement to establish who the auctioneers are to update them.

·       Post Office – he has been trying to contact the office as he wants to obtain more information.

·       Rural Services Network is putting pressure on for more police presence.

·       G7 coming to Cornwall – he had a meeting today.

·       Devolution Package, any assets the Parish wants to take over in the village, funds are being offered to take over from Cornwall Council.

Chairman thanked Cornwall Councillor J. Wood for his report this evening.



Confirmation of Parish Minutes from the Monthly Meeting held on the 10th February 2021:- Resolved the Minutes of the Monthly Meeting held on the 10th February 2021 as circulated were confirmed as a true and accurate record and to be duly signed by the Chairman (Proposed: Councillor G. Rowe; Seconded: Councillor Mrs. I. Northey)




Matters Arising from the Monthly Minutes of the Meeting held on the 10th February 2021:-


Page 1 Min.28/21 Policing in the Parish:-  Email received from Mr. Brian Blake response from the Commissioner’s Office, noting other two items are death by statistic, he does not think the explanation regarding policing in Roche is that helpful as follows – A number of years ago, to deal with the austerity the neighbourhood policing model was adjusted in line with national guidelines. This means that the neighbourhood officers work as one team and respond to issues as and when required either by individual officers or as a whole team. This model of policing and the reasons for it was explained to all the community network panels by the local Inspector.  Two more officers have recently been appointed to the Sector. However, the local Inspector is not in a position to allocate a dedicated officer to Roche at this time, but it should provide more capacity to address any issues that may arise. In relation to the issue of petty crime and ASB etc. The key word here is perception. The local Inspector does not believe these issues have particularly risen although it may be issues are not being reported. Police have dealt with pockets of ASB as and when reported and issues in general in the Roche area are not thought to be greater than in others. Historically Neighbourhood staff attended many Parish Council Meetings as part of their duties and provide crime reports. This practice ceased several years ago when a new SLA was introduced by the police. For Parish Councils such as Roche, it was agreed where operationally possible a member of the policing team would attend their AGM as a minimum requirement. It simply wasn’t possible to service all meetings and the practice of providing crime reports has also ceased. Crime figures are readily available online.  Again, this SLA was explained to all Parish and Town Councils when it was introduced. A number of years ago, East Cornwall Sector did provide staff to assist Newquay during the summer months although this has not happened for many years with the exception being if a significant unforeseen and dynamic operational incident occurs such as a serious RTC or high risk missing person where staff would be deployed from anywhere if needed. The Police and Crime Commissioner has recently announced plans for an additional 40 officers recruited over and above the national uplift target of 141 announced by the Home Office. It will be for the Chief Constable to allocate these officers across the peninsula, but he has informed the Commissioner that they will support improved contact, visibility and accessibility in market towns, coastal and rural areas. Police recorded crime outcome date is available here You then need to scroll down to the file named Outcomes open data April 2020 to September 2020. The files are relatively complex as they give the data by quarter, Force, Offence type and Outcome type. For each breakdown it gives the number of outcomes for offences recorded in that quarter (based on entered date) and the number of outcomes recorded (based on outcome date). The submission we made to the Home Office in September 2019 for a Special Grant is available on our website in summary form. response from the Policing Minister received on 20th March 2020 stated that the application did not meet the criteria for a Special Grant.




Page 1 Min.28/21 Policing in the Parish:-  Email received from Mr. Peter Guest with response from the Police as follows – I have spoken to Alison Hernandez, the current Devon and Cornwall PCC and the conservative candidate in May's election, raising your points about less visible policing and the rise in anti-social behaviour. Her response was that more officers have been recruited and are currently undergoing training but will be hitting the streets of Cornwall very soon. Tri Service Officers have also started to be deployed in the County. She also recommends the Councillor Advocacy Scheme to promote closer liaison between Councillors and the local Police. He confirmed he has started a dialogue with our local PCSO and is happy to pass on any concerns or questions Councillors may have.


Page 2 Min.310/20 Caravans in Roche Parish, including Victoria and other areas:-  Cornwall Councillor J. Wood would continue to follow up Action: Cornwall Councillor J. Wood.


Page 2 Min.315/19 Sheds erected on the junction of Belowda:-  Cornwall Councillor J. Wood would continue to follow up Action: Cornwall Councillor J. Wood.


Page 2 Min.289/19 Caravans in Roche Parish at Tregoss:- Cornwall Councillor J. Wood would continue to follow up Action: Cornwall Councillor J. Wood.














































Cwll. Cllr. J. Wood

Cwll. Cllr. J. Wood


Cwll. Cllr. J. Wood


Planning Applications/Results/Correspondence/Any Letters received for or against any Planning Applications:-  Clerk reported that proposals for planning applications will be sent with the following statement:-  Due to the restrictions placed on the Parish Council as a result of the pandemic coronavirus, this response represents the opinion of Members of Roche Parish Council identified through a consultation process and will be ratified at the next appropriate meeting of the Parish Council.


Planning Applications:-


PA21/00862 – Mr. & Mrs. W. Cash – Proposed side extension, 8 Thornton Close, Roche – Support (Proposed: Councillor G. Rowe; Seconded: Councillor D. Inch)


PA21/00904 – Mr. Paul Crocker – Full planning for a pair of four-bedroom semi-detached dwellings, Land Rear of 8 Wheal Rose, Roche Road, Bugle – Support (Proposed: Councillor J. Wood; Seconded: Councillor P. Ames)


PA21/01055 – Mrs. Kirsty Robins – Change of use of former staff welfare building to restaurant and cafι and associated development (part retrospective), The Old Coal Yard, Roche Road, Bugle - Support (Proposed: Councillor D. Inch; Seconded: Councillor G. Rowe)


Planning Results Received:-


PA19/05680 – Proposed change of use from agriculture to B8 storage and distribution, hard-surfacing, installation of CCTV and siting of three portable buildings, Land South West of Woodlands Barton, Wireless Road, Tremodrett, Roche – Refused


PA21/00482 – Mr. M. Morcom – Application to determine if prior approval is required for a proposed machinery shed, Trerank Farm, Higher Trerank Lane, Roche – Prior Approval not required (AF/TEL/DEM)


PA20/06208 – Rosebay Court Limited – Proposed demolition of existing building and replacement with 10 two bedroom apartments, Poachers Inn, 23 Fore Street, Roche – Approved


PA21/00013/PREAPP – Rochelle Bradbury – Pre-application advice for an eco-friendly, quiet couples retreat, construction of 8 PEFC timber structures, Failbrook Cottage, Reeshill Road, Reeshill, Roche – Closed – Advice Given


PA21/00005/PREAPP - Mr. John Burton – Pre-application advice for provision of roof and reinstate windows to protect building from the weather, Belowda Mine, Belowda, Roche – Closed – Advice Given


Councillor J. Wood reported that Chris Cooper-Young of Cornwall Council Planning could not attend this evening, nor his colleague Jonathan Drew.  Although he did confirm he could not discuss specific enforcement cases at the meeting.  He would continue to follow up the enforcement issues in the Parish.





























Monthly Accounts for Approval:- It was proposed that the Council approve the accounts for payments as listed below as circulated on schedule (Proposed: Councillor M. Edyvean;  Seconded: Councillor G. Rowe) Motion Carried

Salaries, Pensions, National Insurance, Income Tax and Expenses


March 2021

Lanhydrock Garden Services



British Gas – Electric for Toilets



Crystal Clear – Waste Bins/Litter Picking


February 2021

Crystal Clear – Wooden Bus Shelters


Deep Clean

DMC IT – Website Updating


February 2021

Cornwall Waste Solutions Limited


Empty Waste Bin

Lanhydrock Garden Services Grasscutting


February 2021

Lanhydrock Garden Services Grasscutting


St. Michaels Way

DMC IT – Website Updating


March 2021

AJH Services – Toilet Cleaning


March 2021

Crystal Clear – Bus Shelter Cleaning


March 2021

Crystal Clear – Waste Bins/Litter Picking


March 2021

Receipt: Kerrow Memorials


Memorial Burdon

Receipt: Kerrow Memorials


Inscription Bray

Receipt: Lloyds Bank – Interest


March 2021

Receipt: Cornwall Council – Interest


February 2021

Receipt: HMRC – Vat Refund


Up to January 2021
















Approval of Precept Information being included on Cornwall Council Website:- It was resolved the information to be included on the website as required and set out in correspondence received (Proposed: Councillor D. Yelland; Seconded: Councillor G. Rowe) Action: Clerk.




Cemetery Matters (Including any applications for Memorials or Inscriptions):-  Application from Kerrow Memorials for a new Memorial for the late Jack Burdon Action: It was resolved to accept this application as per our rules and regulations (Proposed: Councillor Mrs. I. Northey; Seconded: Councillor D. Inch) Motion Carried


Application from Kerrow Memorials for an additional inscription for the late Mona Jessie Bray before burial takes place, to ensure in place for family members travelling down Action: It was resolved to accept this application as per our rules and regulations (Proposed: Councillor Mrs. I. Northey; Seconded: Councillor D. Inch) Motion Carried


Application from Kerrow Memorials for an additional inscription for the late Hilda Dorothy Hawke Action: It was resolved to accept this application as per our rules and regulations, pending receipt of correct payment (Proposed: Councillor Mrs. I. Northey; Seconded: Councillor D. Inch) Motion Carried


Application from Kerrow Memorials for a new Memorial for the late Danny Joseph Wilton Action: It was resolved to accept this application as per our rules and regulations, pending receipt of correct payment (Proposed: Councillor Mrs. I. Northey; Seconded: Councillor D. Inch) Motion Carried


Clerk reported in respect of the following application that there is currently no burial, no purchase of plot and this seems to be happening a lot recently that the Parish Council are receiving applications for a memorial when no burial has taken place or a plot has been purchased, and it takes considerable time to look back through paperwork, emails to double check  Action: It was resolved to confirm all burials need to be ratified at the time of putting in an application for a memorial/inscription, the Clerk can then hold as pending until such time as confirmation is agreed (Proposed: Councillor Mrs. I. Northey; Seconded: Councillor D. Inch) Motion Carried


Application from Kerrow Memorials for a new Cremation Tablet for the late Kenneth Bagenal Harvey Action: It was resolved to accept this application as per our rules and regulations, pending receipt of correct payment and confirmation of the burial as per new rule as agreed above (Proposed: Councillor Mrs. I. Northey; Seconded: Councillor D. Inch) Motion Carried


Moles for Cemetery and Playing Fields – Clerk reported the Contractor is hoping to action next week.


























Minor Repairs/Works in the Parish that may arise (Including (a) Works to finish the lane leading from the end of the Pharmacy Entrance though Avenue; (b) Tree Cutting and Hedge work at Victoria Road):-  Quotes received and discussed under Closed session this evening.


Councillor J. Wood reported the daffodils are looking lovely on Roche Hill.  He suggested to leave cutting for a while, so they look nice the following year Action: Clerk to liaise with the Grasscutting Contractor.


Daffodils for Main Fore Street on Agenda Action: Clerk









Support Project for the Village – Update from Site Meeting:-  Chairman reported a meeting was pending in due course.



Playing Fields and Hardcourt Area:-  Councillor M. Edyvean reported he is finding it more difficult to find the time to carry out the weekly inspection, due to personal circumstances.  He will not carry out the inspection when the children are out of school, he would carry out only whilst they were in school.  With this in mind from the end of May onwards he is looking for another voluntary Councillor to carry out the weekly inspection, if not, contract someone in to carry out.  He carried out some training, which was a day’s training in total. 

Councillor J. Wood suggested there could be someone in the village who may be interested in assisting.  It was agreed to include in the Parish Magazine to assist with this. Chairman, G. Rowe and D. Yelland would be happy to carry out the training Action Clerk to request course dates and Councillor J. Wood to report in the Parish Magazine for interested parties.


Notification of play area inspection by Rospa to be held in April.






Clerk/ Cllr. J. Wood


Skateboard Park Update:-  Clerk to arrange a separate meeting to discuss Action: Clerk.



Roche Public Conveniences/Bus Shelters:-  Clerk reported she had been informed the Bus Shelter outside the Clays Practice panel had been missing and our Contractor quoted and was accepted but unfortunately when he went on site to fix it had already been done.  Since this he was asked to quote for fixing a hole in the roof by replacing the Perspex panel, but he has declined.  Clerk reported she has asked the other Contractor for a quote, but nothing had been received as yet Action: Keep Pending.


Report from Councillor D. Yelland regarding seating for the Wooden Bus


Initial verbal survey at bus stop (February 11th-14th)

•   No one used the bus stops (either side of road) at all in the time period 10.00am to 5.00pm, it was lockdown.

•   Buses would be difficult to catch as the habitually arrived a few minutes early and usually empty.

•   Followed 1 bus by car as far as Penwithick Roundabout, same story elsewhere.


Talked to some people who used the bus prior to lockdown

•   Some couples where one sits and other bus watches.

•   Lots of negativity "if they are vandalising seats/hanging around then ditch the seat altogether".

•   No-one keen on metal seats to sit on, cold and uncomfortable (giving RCHT Treliske as an example).

•   "Aren't they used to stop homeless people sleeping in city bus shelters?" was stated.

•   Fowey Bus Shelter was mentioned.


Electronic Surveys

•   Free surveys exist but all have restricted number of responses available (40 for Survey Monkey).  The free ones also restrict format.  Typical price £25.00 per month per user.

•   Personal experience: some surveys are compromised by leading questions.  Others rendered less than useful where free response answers are requested (lack of any consensus).

•   By Census 2011 3381 population needs a minimum of 346 responses to be statistically valid.  Unlikely to get this via Facebook or Parish Magazine.  Mail shot surely prohibitively expensive.



•   1 regular early morning bus catcher.  Does not use seats.

•   Sole bus user sitting down cannot see bus coming if SUV cars parked (almost always) and cannot be seen, which is a problem with a request stop.

•   Not helped when windows are dirty.

•   One young lad used the seat very respectfully.  Was having lunch laid out on bench prior to boarding.

•   Picked up a little in last week but still very little use, not even youngsters that use the shelters as club houses



•   Look at effect of skate park/chat shack before committing

•   At present no-one is actually being affected due to under use

•   We should perhaps make the decision






Footpath Signs/Matters:-  Clerk reported on email received from David Edwards advising he had not come across any problems with the footpaths that he uses regularly. He confirmed with the lockdown there seems to be a lot more people walking the footpaths now, which has the benefit of generally keeping any brambles and branches bashed down.  Following on from this he did mention while walking the Trezaise toe Coldvreath Footpath last summer, there was an architectural dig being undertaken in one of the fields, prior to the new road being built.  He believes several trenches had been dug out with a few more planned. They seemed to have made some interesting finds, if he remembers correctly, evidence of a Roman encampment and the wall of a roundhouse. When the results come out, it would make an interesting article for the Parish Magazine.


Cornwall Councillor J. Woods had confirmed there were some Roman transit fort remains. These are very common, and he would be happy to find out more as he has already spoken to an expert on these matters. They are not of importance enough to stop the road, but the archaeologists are being given more access.



Updating Community Emergency Plan:-  Clerk reported the Community Emergency Plan needed a re-visit and update.  She would commence small updates and re-circulate for Councillors comments Action: Clerk to complete before the next meeting.




Request for use of land at St. Michaels Way for Party and Bouncy Castle and costs for painting of wooden fence and metal bench onsite:-  Clerk reported an email had been received as circulated for this request.  It was resolved to respond advising the Parish Council needs to follow up with confirmation from CALC as we need to ensure we can obtain a check list, public liability risk assessments, etc.  Insurances would need to be in place and if music is required outside, there may be a need to obtain a music licence.  Councillor J. Wood suggested drawing up a plan/document/disclaimer of what is required and as long as these conditions are complied with the Clerk can agree without coming to a Parish Council Meeting in future if all information is forthcoming and agreeable from CALC (Proposed: Councillor M. Edyvean; Seconded: Councillor J. Wood) Action: Clerk.


Quote for maintenance works:- The cost to remove ivy from fence then paint with 2 coats of Red Cedar  or similar stain and rub down metal bench and re-paint with 2 coats of hammarite 1 or 2 different colours would be: Labour 16 hours at £20.00 per hour £320.00; Materials 1 colour bench £45.00; Materials 2 colour bench £65.00.  It was resolved to get the rusty bench painted green seating with black bottom at £65.00 and keep the wooden fence pending, Councillors to view fencing before the next meeting (Proposed: Councillor M. Edyvean; Seconded: Councillor J. Wood) Action: Clerk/Councillors
















Cllrs. Clerk


Tree Survey for St. Gomonda’s Churchyard and initial costs of Tree Safety and Condition Survey:-  Clerk reported a quote had been received in the sum of £325.00 to carry out a Safety and Condition Inspection of all principal trees within the bounds of St. Gomonda’s Church, with preparation of a full written report with tree location plans. It was resolved to confirm the inspection be carried out (Proposed: Councillor Mrs. I. Northey; Seconded: Councillor D. Yelland) Action: Clerk.






Working Group Party for the Village - Street/Road Signs in the Village/Parish and general tidy up of the Village/Parish as a whole:- No report this month as no litter picks due to lockdown.  Councillor D. Inch requested the May 2021 tidy up is arranged Action: Clerk to liaise



Articles for Parish Council Website/Newsletter:- It was agreed to include information detailed during the meeting this evening Action: Clerk/Cornwall Councillor J. Wood.

Clerk/ Cllr. J. Wood


Correspondence – Clerk listed correspondence and actions required:-

1.     Cornwall Council – Town & Parish Council Covid-19 Update – 12th February; 19th February; 26th February, 5th March 2021

2.     Cornwall Council – Voluntary & Community Sector Covid-19 Update – 26th February 2021

3.     Office of the Police & Crime Commissioner – Your PCC Alison Hernandez on the BBC tomorrow 12th February 2021

4.     Cornwall Council – Voluntary & Community Sector Covid-19 Update – 12th February 2021

5.     Cornwall Development Company – Reopening High Streets Safely Fund

6.     Cornwall Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty – Invitation to forthcoming events and courses

7.     Cornwall Council – Invitation – Film Premiere – Cornwall’s Climate Stories

8.     Office of Police & Crime Commissioner – Message from local policing area commander

9.     Cornwall Council – Temporary Bus Service Alterations – Network Rail Bridge Works at Trewoon

10. Came & Company – Latest Insights

11. Office of the Police & Crime Commissioner – Community Speed Watch Scrutiny/ Councillor Advocate Focus Groups

12. Great Western Railway – Schools/Colleges return 8th March 2021

13. Great Western Railway – Rail Improvements works taking place

14. CALC – Interactive Map

15. Cornwall Council – Climate Emergency DPD Consultation

16. Cornwall Council – Free Signage for Play Areas and Open Spaces

17. CALC – Smaller Councils Meeting: Friday 5th March 2021 at 10.00am

18. Cornwall Council – Community Larder coming to more communities in Mid Cornwall

19. Office of the Police & Crime Commissioner – Questions for T/ACC Glen Mayhew

20. CALC – Supporting your business on the road to recovery

21. Cornwall Council Pensions – 2020/2021 Year End

22. CALC – The future of virtual local Council Meetings

23. CC Pensions  - March 2021 Employer Newsletter

24. CC Pensions – Understanding Employer Role Training

25. Infect Protect Ltd – Antimicrobial Coating to Protect your Parish Council playground equipment

26. University of Exeter – Request for participation in a short survey about sustainability in Cornwall

27. Cornwall Council – St. Austell China Clay Restoration and Tipping Supplementary Planning Document – Consultation

28. Cornwall Council – Localism Vision and Strategy Launch Event 2020

29. Office of the Police & Crime Commissioner – The latest OPCC Senior Police Officer Interview

30. Great Western Railway – London Paddington Closure this Weekend

31. Office of the Police & Crime Commissioner – National ANPR Survey

32. Devon & Cornwall Police – G7 Leaders’ Summit – Letter from ACC Mayhew

33. Office of the Police & Crime Commissioner – Police Cyber Protect Team Issue Cybercrime/Scam Warnings

34. Cornwall Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty – Latest News – A Monumental Improvement Community Survey

35. CALC – Elections Update

36. CALC – Briefing

37. Chris Hotham – Prickles and Paws Vote

38. Steve Double MP – February 2021 Update

39. Clerks & Councils Direct Magazine

40. CALC – Current Job Vacancies – CALC Website

41. CALC – Elections Packs

42. CALC – Public Toilet Survey



To arrange any Sub-Committee Meetings required:-  Meeting for Skateboard Park – Clerk to ask Councillor Mrs. S. Tippett of her availability, possibly for Wednesday the 17th March 2021 Action: Clerk.



Any Urgent Matters the Chairman considers relevant for this meeting:- Clerk raised information received from Matt Walls, Network Provision Lead of the Post Office advising they have received the resignation from the Postmaster at Roche Post Office, the last day of service will be Friday 13th August 2021. He has discussed the opportunity with the surrounding retailers but unfortunately there is no interest. The next step will be to seek a public venue where a visiting Post Office can be operated from, this will be operated for set hours and visits per week. He would like any recommendations the Parish Council could make for any public venues which may be available for use. It was agreed to Councillor J. Wood and Chairman follows up and reports back to the Parish Council, Clerk to inform Matt Walls Action: Clerk/Chairman/Councillor J. Wood.





Clerk/ Chair/ Cllr. J. Wood


Date of next Meeting:- Wednesday the 14th April 2021 at 6.30pm in the Roche Victory Hall Large Committee Meeting Roche, Roche Victory Hall or via Microsoft Teams depending on the Country’s status next month Action: Clerk.

There being no further business to discuss the meeting closed at 7.26pm







Signature:     ………………………………………………




Date:            14th April 2021