
Cllr. D. Inch


Mrs. J. Burdon

(Parish Clerk)

Cllr. G. Rowe



Cllr. M. Edyvean

Cllr. D. Yelland

Cllr. Mrs. J. Oxenham


Cllr. Mrs. S. Tippett

Cllr. Mrs. A. King

Cllr. Mrs. H. Retallick


Cllr. P. Jones

Cwll. Cllr. P. Guest

2 Members of  Public





Welcome and Opening of the 2021 Annual Meeting:- Chairman opened the 2021 Annual Meeting and welcomed all.



Apologies:- None.



Members Declaration of Interest on items raised on the Agenda/Requests for Dispensation:- None.



Annual Report from out-going Cornwall Councillor:- Chairman read the report received from John Wood as follows:-


I would like to start off by thanking the Parish Council Members for all their support and assistance. During my time on Roche Parish Council, I have worked with and for a great bunch of dedicated hard-working people. I especially admire those who have been willing from the start to put themselves forward and been prepared to face an election and all that it entails. Elections bring out the best and worst in people.  When you stand for selection, you really are exposing yourself to the community and ridicule should you fail to be elected onto a Parish Council. That is why so few people fail to come forward at the start but are only too willing and  expect to be co-opted on once the Parish Council is established by the few established members.


It is so easy to criticise especially when you don’t have to be accountable for your criticism. Take the Precept for example some people really do want something for nothing, but they are the very same people who will complain if services are not provided. I never in all my time had an ‘out of the village’ Parish resident complain despite the fact that they hardly use the village facilities. A farmer’s child why would they use the park when they have acres to play in, but their parents pay.  So, to those who choose to level criticism come up with your alternative budget and set of proposal but remember that not one member of the Parish Council is in it for personal gain, and they all genuinely care about their community. They are trying to do their best for all age groups.


I taught in the village for 25 years starting 45 years ago Yes, I was 27 when I started. I taught some young tearaways of the time, but they matured settled down and those who remained in the village I have enjoyed witnessing their progress through life. Many are stalwart citizens and doing their bit for the community by supporting the various institutions.

The Parish Council of its day did moan but they did all they could to provide what they could so the wheels of the community would keep turning. No different from today but that life has moved on and expectations are so very different.


The young no longer have the freedoms that their parents and grandparents enjoyed hence I agree with and support the Parish Councils ambition  to provide even better facilities for the youth of today. No resentment from the elders just an appreciation that today’s youth deserve better and in time they will appreciate what was done for them . When their time comes as it will, some will stay and be a part of this great community which I was honoured to be allowed to serve.


To the Chair of Roche Parish Council take your time to co-opt on those who you genuinely feel have the communities’ interests as their only reason for coming forward


To Peter Guest your new Cornwall Council representative I say come forward and ask to join both Treverbyn and Roche Parish Councils it is the only way you will be able to have a true feel for what is going on in your areas. 


I will end by saying Thank you. You will always have my support. My respect but most of all my admiration for all that you do.



Annual Report from Police:- Report received as follows from Ps4694 David Mitchell:-


Neighbourhood Police Team


Neighbourhood Team Leader

Sergeant 4794 Dave Mitchell


Neighbourhood Beat Manager

PC 4886 Andrew Barnicoat

PC 5929 Gareth Hawken

PC 6170 Colin Sheppard

PC 7177 Will Chesterfield

PC 7069 Yasmin Vokes


Police Community Support Officer

30499 Julie Carpenter

30047 Wendy Christophers

30528 Natalie Merrikin

30004 Ally Relf

30262 Steve Tibbles

30055 Graham Wade

30449 Jamie Ward

30740 Yasmin Barrott


Overall Crime

Really positive news, roughly a 10% reduction in all crime over the last 12 months. Almost all crime types are down with significant reductions in dwelling burglary, vehicle offences and shoplifting.

The main increase has been in violence without injury, and this is largely due to changes in the crime recording rules and the classification of offences, all harassment/stalking/mal comms offences for example are categorised as violence without injury which inflates the numbers considerably.


Other areas which have increased include possession and trafficking of drugs, and weapons offences which should be seen as a positive thing as these offences only get recorded when they are detected by officers and demonstrates our proactive work to tackle drugs and weapon crime. Despite the numbers being up in these crime categories they are still low by national standards. Individual crime figures can be found on our website.


Priorities over the last 12 months

Safeguarding of vulnerable people particularly with Covid and significant partnership work undertaken. Domestic abuse has been a national priority due to the concerns around increases particularly during periods of lockdown. We have seen some rises at various times but overall, our sector hasn’t seen the increases that other sectors have.


Anti-Social Behaviour has been an issue from time to time and has been tacked with partner agencies such as Helen Toms ASB Officer.


County Lines has been a real priority which as a sector we have tackled very well in terms of executing warrants, charging, and remanding several key individuals and seizures of drugs. The perpetrators of county lines have continued their ‘business’ but using different tactics, as a sector we have carried out more drugs warrants than anyone else.


We must stress the importance of community intelligence and encourage communities to report things to us. Information relating to vulnerable persons being exploited is particularly important right now.


Covid legislation has been introduced and it has been a priority for some time to deal with reports of breaches. We have utilised the 4 E’s approach, Engage, Explain, Encourage and Enforce. There have been a significant number of reports to us placing real pressure to respond and at times we have been unable to due to other more pressing issues around Threat, Risk and Harm.


Moving forward

Last year was unprecedented for us in terms of demand. There was approximately a 20-30% increase on our demand and we anticipate the same this year due to the number of visitors coming down as opposed to going abroad. We are planning for the easing of lockdown and anticipate real challenges. G7 is taking place but the impact on local resourcing for this will be minimal.


An increase in neighbourhood officers over the last 12-18 months has been a real positive for the team. There is talk that we may see more staff, but this is not yet confirmed. We have operated as ‘one team’ for some time now and the system is working well. There is currently no thought that we will return to dedicated officers for each area.

The national uplift of 20,000 officers has also meant that response staff have seen the benefits so in terms of staffing we are in a better place than we were a few years ago.



Chairman’s Annual Report:- Report for 2021 received as follows:-


Another busy year for Roche Parish Council.


A30 Link Road: Work planned for September 2021.


Neighbourhood Plan: In use and being adhered to.


Community Emergency Plan: Updated for 2021 and published.


Playing Field and Hardcourt Area:  We have an excellent facility in our village and area that the Village can now be very proud, the area is well maintained and is well used.


We are now looking at enhancing the Hardcourt Area further to include Ball games and plans are progressing with a Skateboard Park.


Public Toilets & Bus Stops: Vandalism has appeared to be reduced during the last year, we have maintained these assets, with a cleaning schedule and maintenance plan. Again, keeping the village looking clean, which further helps the community to respect them.


The Village continues to look smart; we have some very hard-working Contractors manged by the Parish Council.  The Cemetery and Playing Field, we can be proud of.  We have also been working on entrances to the village itself.   He wished to thank Irene and Monty Northey for all the planting and tidying they have carried out in the Cemetery.


We have further enhanced or Church and the walkways around the village, as an example the Avenue and the Cut through from the duck pond, it’s great that so many people have thanked the Parish Council for this.


We know we have a lot of work to be carried out on all the trees as part of the Park Project, in the Churchyard, Playing Park and Cricket grounds, which will be costly, but we are prepared for this, and health and safety needs to be a condition.


We still have plenty of work ahead on the footpaths – which will take investment, but this will keep these footpaths in a condition that the village can be proud about.


Roche Cemetery, we used to get weekly complaints – now we get notes to say thank you. What a change, the investment we continue to make is supported by all.


We can be proud to be able to support Village grants and donations in the last two years total £42,053.20. 

We distributed the £10,000 from the Covid Funds from Cornwall Council to all local organisations.


My sincere thanks to Members for their dedication and support and to the Councillors who have finished, John Wood, Peter Ames, Irene Northey, Jane Norris and finally, my sincere thanks to our Clerk, Julie Burdon, she does a brilliant job, which can be challenging.


Dan Inch - Chairman to Roche Parish Council. 




There being no further business to discuss the meeting closed at 6.40pm





Signature:     ………………………………………………




Date:               9th June 2021