
Cllr. D. Inch


Mrs. J. Burdon

(Parish Clerk)

Cllr. G. Rowe



Cllr. M. Edyvean

Cllr. D. Yelland

Cllr. Mrs. J. Oxenham


Cllr. Mrs. S. Tippett

Cllr. P. Jones

Cllr. Mrs. H. Retallick


Cllr. Mrs. A. King

Cwll. Cllr. P. Guest

2 Members of Public





Welcome to all Parish Councillors and Signing of Declaration of Office for a further term of office including completion of Register of Interest Forms:-  Chairman welcomed Parish Councillors to the meeting and requested all paperwork is completed and forwarded on in respect of Register of Interest Forms with a copy being passed to the Clerk.  Clerk circulated the Parish Council Declaration of Acceptance of Office to all Councillors to complete and pass back this evening to enable them to join the meeting officially.



Vacancies for Parish Councillors and advertising to co-opt:- Clerk reported the Parish Council currently had two vacancies.  It was resolved to advertise to co-opt on the noticeboard, Website and Facebook (Proposed: Councillor Mrs. J. Oxenham; Seconded: Councillor P. Jones) Action: Clerk.





Updated Code of Conduct to be adopted by the Parish Council, following recommendations from Cornwall Council Committee on Standards in Public Life:-  Clerk reported information had been received from CALC advising they have raised a number of questions about the changes and more particularly where the code no longer reflects the differences between unitary and local Council Members. As soon as they receive a response, they will pass on the advice but until then they suggested waiting before moving to adopt the new code. In particular the key issues relate to the training requirement, declarations of gifs and hospitality, authority for actions as individual members and some numbering issues.  CALC confirms that it is acceptable to continue with our existing code in the interim.


Clerk reported documentation had now been received from CALC and would be included on our next agenda for discussion and approval Action: Clerk.











Apologies:- None.


Email received from Peter Ames advising he was delighted to receive the engraved goblet from the Parish Council, this was much appreciated.


Email received from Mrs. Irene Northey thanking the Clerk for the letter sent, it was much appreciated and she wished the Clerk and the new Parish Council well and a successful outcome with the skatepark.


It was agreed to send Irene Northey and her Husband a bunch of flowers and bottle of beer. Also, a bottle of red and white wine for John Wood Action: Clerk.









Public Forum:-  Two members of Public in attendance. Mr. Paul Kent attended to listen in to the meeting this evening. 

Mrs. Lorraine Harrison attended to give support for the skatepark. She also wanted to discuss the possibility of setting up a new Youth Club, she has been looking at buildings but there appears to be nowhere to hold it currently.  She also wondered if they could obtain funding.  Chairman suggested Lorraine Harrison sends information to the Clerk Action: Next Agenda for discussion.


Lorraine Harrison left the meeting at 6.48pm.







Members Declaration of Interest on items raised on the Agenda/Requests for Dispensation:- None.



Monthly Cornwall Councillor Report:- Cornwall Councillor P. Guest reported as follows:-

·         He would like to attend the meeting in respect of the Youth Club.

·         As of Monday he was appointed as the new Cornwall Councillor.  He sees his role as supporting the Parish Council if he can help in anyway.  He wished to express his thanks to John Wood for all the excellent work he has carried out in the Parish.

·         Link Road Funding – there are meetings next week and he will send information to the Clerk prior to the next meeting.

·         He thanked the Councillors for making him welcome.

Chairman thanked Cornwall Councillor P. Guest for his report this evening. 



Election of Chairman and Vice Chairman and Declaration of Acceptance of Office:- Councillor D. Inch was nominated for the position of Chairman (Proposed: Councillor D. Yelland; Seconded: Councillor P. Jones)


Councillor G. Rowe was nominated for the position of Vice-Chairman, he duly accepted and signed his Declaration of Acceptance of Office (Proposed: Councillor P. Jones; Seconded: Councillor D. Yelland)


Action: Clerk to inform Cornwall Council of the positions for their records and to update relevant paperwork.









Election of Sub-Committees:- Sub-Committees agreed as follows with Chairmen:-

Finance: Councillors Mrs. S. Tippett (Chair of Finance), D. Inch, M. Edyvean, Mrs. J. Oxenham, P. Jones, G. Rowe, D. Yelland, Mrs. H. Retallick, Mrs. A. King

Burial: Councillors Mrs. A. King (Chairman of Burial), D. Inch, Mrs. S. Tippett, M. Edyvean, Mrs. J. Oxenham, G. Rowe, D. Yelland, P. Jones, Mrs. H. Retallick, Mrs. A. King

Footpaths: Councillors Mrs. S. Tippett, M. Edyvean, Mrs. J. Oxenham, Mrs. H. Retallick, D. Yelland

Planning: Councillors M. Edyvean (Chairman of Planning), D. Inch, G. Rowe, Mrs. S. Tippett, Mrs. J. Oxenham,  P. Jones, D. Yelland, Mrs. H. Retallick, Mrs. A. King

Solar and Small Grant Applications:  Councillors D. Inch, M. Edyvean, Mrs. J. Oxenham and Councillor Mrs. S. Tippett


Voted on block

(Proposed: Councillor P. Jones; Seconded: Councillor Mrs. H. Retalllick)

Action: Clerk to update relevant paperwork.















Election of Representatives:- Representatives agreed as follows:-

China Clay Area Committee:- Councillor Mrs. J. Oxenham, Councillor Mrs. H. Retallick

Par & Newquay Branch Line: Councillor D. Yelland

Roche Sports Complex: Clerk

Roche Victory Hall Management Committee: Councillor M. Edyvean Action: Clerk to inform Roche Victory Hall.

Press Officer/Representative on Parish Magazine: Councillor D. Yelland/Clerk

Roche Aid in Sickness Charity Trust: Councillor Mrs. S. Tippett


Voted on block

(Proposed: Councillor P. Jones; Seconded: Councillor Mrs. H. Retalllick)

Action: Clerk to update relevant paperwork.











Confirmation of Parish Minutes from the Monthly Meeting held on the 14th April 2021:- Resolved the Minutes of the Monthly Meeting held on the 14th April 2021 as circulated were confirmed as a true and accurate record and to be duly signed by the Chairman (Proposed: Councillor P Jones; Seconded: Councillor Mrs. S. Tippett)



Matters Arising from the Monthly Minutes of the Meeting held on the 14th April 2021:-


Page 2 Min.310/20 Caravans in Roche Parish, including Victoria and other areas:-  Clerk reported there had been no further updates on this. It was agreed to forward information on to our new Cornwall Councillor to follow up Action: Cornwall Councillor P. Guest.


Page 2 Min.315/19 Sheds erected on the junction of Belowda:-  Clerk reported there had been no further updates on this. It was agreed to forward information on to our new Cornwall Councillor to follow up Action: Cornwall Councillor P. Guest.


Page 2 Min.289/19 Caravans in Roche Parish at Tregoss:- Clerk reported there had been no further updates on this. It was agreed to forward information on to our new Cornwall Councillor to follow up Action: Cornwall Councillor P. Guest.


Page 2 Min.63/21 Hole in Perspex on Bus Shelter:-  Clerk reported she had received a response from our Contractor had confirmed this was not in his remit as he believed this was a job for professional in this line of work.  Since then a response had been received from Cormac in respect of the damage to the bus shelter outside the Clays Practice advising they will come out to measure to see if the repair is feasible.  The roof is one whole section and put together whilst in manufacture Action: Keep Pending and Clerk to liaise with Keveths for a quotation if necessary.



Clerk/ Cwll. Cllr. P. Guest

Clerk/ Cwll. Cllr. P. Guest

Clerk/ Cwll. Cllr. P. Guest








Planning Applications/Results/Correspondence/Any Letters received for or against any Planning Applications:-  


Planning Applications:-


PA21/03380 – Mr. S. Vercoe – Construction of a garage, 24 Churchtown Close, Roche – Support (Proposed: Councillor D. Inch; Seconded: Councillor P. Jones)


PA21/03540 – Miss Tait – Resubmission of PA19/09455 to re-site approved double garage 74 Victoria Road, Roche – Support (Proposed: Councillor D. Inch; Seconded: Councillor Mrs. H. Retallick)

Planning Results Received:-


PA21/01055 – Mrs. Kirsty Robins  - Change of use of former staff welfare building to restaurant and cafι and associated development (part retrospective), The Old Coal Yard, Roche Road, Bugle – Approved













Street Trading Application – Nana Tees Burgers, Victoria Business Park, Roche:- It was resolved to respond advising this is an unsuitable site, needs to be off the road as we have reservations with traffic and parking of lorries, travellers, staff vehicles. We also would follow up with permission for others in the area and what is happening with permission for the siting of these (Proposed: Councillor Mrs. J. Oxenham; Seconded: Councillor Mrs. S. Tippett) Action: Clerk.






Monthly Accounts for Approval:- It was proposed that the Council approve the accounts for payments as listed below as circulated on schedule (Proposed: Councillor P. Jones;  Seconded: Councillor Mrs. J. Oxenham) Motion Carried

Salaries, Pensions, National Insurance, Income Tax and Expenses


May 2021

Cornwall Association of Local Councils



British Gas – Electric for Toilets



Jason Bellenger Tree Surveys


Playing Field




Cornwall Council – NNDR for Mortuary


May 2021

Bob Thomas Tarmacadam


Surfacing Works

Crystal Clear – Waste Bin Collection


April 2021

Crystal Clear – Bus Shelter Cleaning


April 2021

DMC IT – Website Maintenance


April 2021

Cornwall Waste Solutions Limited


Empty Waste Bin

Playsafety Limited


Rospa Inspection

AJH Services – Toilet Cleaning


May 2021

Roche Victory Hall


Hire Hall

Microsoft 365



Receipt: Lloyds Bank – Interest


May 2021

Receipt: Cornwall Council – Interest


May 2021

Receipt: Kerrow Memorials



Receipt: HMRC – VAT Reimbursement


Up to 31/3/21

Clerk reported she had been reviewing the Asset Register to update and believe there are some items to be removed and some with queries.


It was resolved to remove the shed and cemetery noticeboard, amend the benches in Cemetery to 4 as one needs to be removed due to damage.  Benches in other locations are shown as 3, this is correct they are sited on Roche Hill, opposite Church and at the front of the Pharmacy Action: Clerk.


Musical Instruments – It was agreed to leave on our Asset Register Action: Clerk to email Richard Hawkey for a stock check on Roche Parish Council instruments.


Lawnmowers and Strimmers – It was agreed to sell these items of equipment and any other items no longer required now we use Contractors Action: Chairman/Councillor M. Edyvean to discuss with our Contractors to see if they are interested and ask if they would give a credit to the Parish Council, if not interested to put on Facebook for sale.


























Chair/ Cllr. M. Edyvean


Cemetery Matters (Including (a) Any applications for memorials or inscriptions; (b) Complaints received last month – Discussion on Rules and Regulations, with set guidelines of what is acceptable on grave spaces; (c) Emptying of Waste Bins in Cemetery; (d) Ditch around the Cemetery – to arrange clearing now or in the Autumn); (f) Email regarding Cemetery Flower Beds (including request for signs to use bins provided and take baskets and pots home):-  Application from Kerrow Memorials for a new Memorial for the late Rudolph Cedric Thomas Henderson Action: It was resolved to accept this application as per our rules and regulations pending receipt of relevant payment (Proposed: Councillor Mrs. S. Tippett; Seconded: Councillor Mrs. J. Oxenham) Motion Carried


Application from Kerrow Memorials for a new Memorial for the late Patrick Griffiths Action: It was resolved to accept this application as per our rules and regulations pending receipt of relevant payment (Proposed: Councillor Mrs. S. Tippett; Seconded: Councillor Mrs. J. Oxenham) Motion Carried


Complaints received last month – Discussion on Rules and Regulations, with set guidelines of what is acceptable on grave spaces:- It was resolved to include No food and drinks. No seasonal decorations, i.e. no Christmas or Easter food or drink.  Christmas decorations should be taken down the 6th January each (Proposed: Councillor Mrs. S. Tippett; Seconded: Councillor Mrs. J. Oxenham) Action: Clerk.


Chair of Burials – It was resolved Councillor Mrs. A. King to elected as Chair of Burials (Proposed and Seconded). Councillor Mrs. A. King duly accepted this role Action: Clerk to update paperwork.


Emptying of Waste Bins in Cemetery:- Clerk reported our Contractor had confirmed the costs for one-off emptying on special occasions in the sum of £50.00.  It was agreed to leave now as we can use the big wheelie bin going forward once the new style lid is in place.


Concrete Base for Wheelie Bin in Cemetery:- Clerk reported both Contractors had requested a site meeting to discuss to quote, to clarify.  It was agreed to inform them there would need to be a kerb around 4-6 inches high at the back to keep the wheelie bin in place, so it cannot roll off into the Cemetery Action: Clerk.


Ditch around the Cemetery – to arrange clearing now or in the Autumn):- Clerk reported a quote had been received from our Contractor.  It was agreed to discuss any quotes received under closed session this evening.


Email regarding Cemetery Flower Beds (including request for signs to use bins provided and take baskets and pots home):- Clerk reported that Mrs. Irene Northey had kindly been up to the Cemetery and tidied up the flower beds and put in new plants at a cost of £65.00 but did not want reimbursement, this was a contribution from her.  She did, however, request the provision of a sign to be put up that reads “Please use bins provided and take baskets and pots with you, Thank you.  It was resolved to wait until Chairman and Councillor M. Edyvean hold a site meeting Action: Chairman/Councillor M. Edyvean.


































Chair/ Cllr. M. Edyvean



Minor Repairs/Works in the Parish that may arise (Including (a) Fencing/Hedge on top entrance to Old Lane; (b) Daffodil Planting; (c) Staining of Benches in the Village; (d) Painting of Bus Shelters; (e) Painting of Public Conveniences; (f) Painting of Cemetery Gates and Mortuary Building Door and Fascia boards; (g) No Dogs Allowed Sign for land at St. Michaels Way:-  Clerk reported quotations were received and she advised discussing under the Closed Meeting this evening.


Fencing/Hedge on top entrance to Old Lane:- It was resolved to discuss any quotes received under closed session this evening.


Dangerous Boulder in Old Lane:- It was resolved to discuss any quotes received under closed session this evening.


Review of Old Lane Old Lane:- It was resolved to discuss any quotes received under closed session this evening.


Staining of Benches in the Village:- It was resolved to discuss any quotes received under closed session this evening.


Painting of Bus Shelters:- It was resolved to discuss any quotes received under closed session this evening.


Painting of Public Conveniences:- It was resolved to discuss any quotes received under closed session this evening.


Painting of Cemetery Gates and Mortuary Building Door and Fascia boards:- It was resolved to discuss any quotes received under closed session this evening.


No Dogs Allowed Sign for land at St. Michaels Way:- Clerk reported prices had been received to supply signs as detailed. It was resolved to discuss any quotes received under closed session this evening.


Daffodil Planting:- Chairman reported there was no update at this time.












New Noticeboard on the Co-op Wall:-  Chairman reported the noticeboard is now not really fit for purpose.  He suggested a bigger noticeboard in the same place.  It was agreed to hold in abeyance for the time being and await the new road and any changes to this section of highway.



Support Project for the Village – Update from Site Meeting:-  Chairman reported he had no update.



Playing Fields and Hardcourt Area, including Skateboard Park Update (Including request for springs on gates to Playing Fields for safety of children playing and possibility of running into the main road):-  Clerk reported an email from Maverick – Advising the skatepark questionnaire is already attracting interest and they have had a few responses already.  Clerk reported the letter of intent had now been sent selecting Maverick as the Parish Councils chosen contractor, subject to planning. Maverick have already commissioned the formal site surveying to take place - Gary Vaughan from Dorset Land Surveying carried this out on Monday 10th May 2021.  The survey will take around a week to process.  



Maverick need to allow 2-3 weeks (although this is up to the Parish Council) to allow for feedback on the design and then Russ can make any adjustments and resubmit.  Design and revisualisation generally takes 2-3 weeks but could be faster depending on the level of changes needed.  Maverick will start creating the Design Access Statement so that they can incorporate the detailed information needed as soon as it is ready.  They could not confirm we would have this tonight as they would not have what they need to complete by this date. Maverick asked whether the Parish Council considered their comments in regard to the omission of the Youth Shelters?  The believe they are such a waste of money and really not recommended adjacent to a skatepark, although they could as discussed incorporate benches into the design and the £11K cost for the shelters would be much better used to improve the skatepark design - that additional budget would really make a difference. The statutory period for obtaining Planning Permission is 8 weeks from the date of validation which with Cornwall Council is often a week or so after submission in their experience.  Once Maverick have the final design agreed  and planning is in place, they will issue JCT Contracts and create detailed design drawings for the build.  When they are at this point, they will be able to confirm a start date on site.  Maverick are keen to get moving and as soon as things become a little clearer they create a timeline programme for the project - along with a comprehensive H&S file. The project is likely to take 9 weeks once they are on site and subject to final design agreed. 


It was agreed the next steps is planning permission, with the Parish Council submitting forms completed by Maverick, to pay reduced planning fees.  It was resolved to submit form once received (Proposed: Councillor Mrs. J. Oxenham; Seconded: Councillor M. Edyvean) Action: Clerk


Shacks – It was agreed to discuss this at our next meeting Action: Clerk to include on next agenda.

Councillor Mrs. J. Oxenham suggesting leaving costs and taking the shack out of the skatepark design and then review in line with Maverick’s thoughts on what people in the village want in the skatepark itself, or possibly hold back and support another building that a Youth Club could use or put back into reserves for future years
Action: Clerk to follow up with Maverick if there is something the village are asking for as part of the design to let the Parish Council know.


Request for springs on gates to Playing Fields for safety of children playing and possibility of running into the main road:-  Email received from the Manager of Roche Pebbles advising that purely by chance they had two separate conversations at work with a couple of families with regards to their children playing up the park and they have both experienced their child running out of the date and almost into the road. It was mentioned that it would be useful if the gate had a spring on it, so it automatically closes on entering the park, as the gates are often left wide open.  They are hoping the Parish Council can look at affordable and sensible options of keeping the children safe. Clerk reported in the interim she had obtained quotes for the gates to be spring loaded.  Two quotes received and discussed.  It was resolved to go with the quote from cheapest quote in the sum of £240.00 (Proposed: Councillor P. Jones; Seconded: Councillor Mrs. H. Retallick) Action: Clerk.




Rospa Training Courses for Councillors:- Clerk reported the availability for the training for Councillors is on either the 24th June or 17th August. It was resolved to opt for the 17th August 2021 (Proposed: Councillor Mrs. J. Oxenham; Seconded: Councillor M. Edyvean) Action: Clerk.


Swing Seats for Roche Playing Fields:-  Clerk reported a quotation had been received from Wicksteed for 4 replacement seats with fixings (2 to install, 2 to store) in the sum of £176.00 plus vat, total of £190.96.  It was resolved to purchase the four seats (Proposed: Councillor M. Edyvean; Seconded: Councillor Mrs. H. Retallick) Action: Clerk.






















































Roche Public Conveniences/Bus Shelters:-  Reported issues earlier with Bus Shelter repairs. No problems reported with the Public Conveniences.



Footpath Signs/Matters:-  Clerk reported a report had been received in respect of a problem along footpath 412/6/2 from Harmony Road.  David Edwards had confirmed he regularly walks the footpath behind the Church, and joins it using footpath 412/24/1 from Fore Street, so this issue had completely passed him by. He confirmed that it would certainly be difficult to get a buggy through there easily. The tree encroaching into the footpath does not appear to have been cut back recently, or sufficiently severely, if it was actually cut in the last round of footpath maintenance


He did mention as seen from the Election Campaign literature, that Hannah Retallick is joining the Parish Council. He noted she says that she is interested in walking and cycling, she seems to be the absolute perfect candidate to be speedily nominated to the Footpath Committee and tasked to check that the footpath maintenance is completed satisfactorily and signed off, before the contractor is paid, so that similar issues can be avoided in future.


Discussed earlier under Footpath Committee appointments.



Updating Community Emergency Plan:-  Clerk reported the Community Emergency Plan had been updated as far as possible.  Information of the new Councillors who will be joining us will be included once received Action: Next Agenda.




Update on Land at St. Michaels Way:-  Clerk reported she had received a response from CALC advising they do not hold any specific risk assessments or checklists relating to the use of bouncy castles, etc.  It is impossible to provide detailed specific templates for outdoor areas and the variety of different users of the land.  To do so often prevents you from looking accurately at your own resource.  The best place to start is probably with your own insurance company who will be able to advise.  I have asked a number of local Councils who run events on their own land if they have anything which they could share and I will send on their replies.  In practice the Council should identify the risks it believes exist on the land and it is the responsibility of the organiser to do a risk assessment for their event.  You then check that their assessment covers all of your identified risks so that you can give the permission.  If there is anything missing or an area you are concerned about you should not give permission until such time as the Council is satisfied.  It was agreed to discuss with our Insurance, what criteria the Parish Council needs in place Action: Clerk.












Update on Tree Surveys:-  Clerk reported both surveys had now been circulated to Councillors and a copy passed on to our Contractors to follow up and report back on costs of works required as they confirmed it would take more time to prepare Action: Keep pending.


Chairman reported any emergency work (health and safety issues) need to be actioned.  Hopefully a full report should be received by next month.




Roche Rock:- Councillor D. Yelland reported his concerns about Roche Rock, especially after the recent fire.  He was wondering if the Parish Council should raise the issue with Tregothnan, noting:-

1.    The one remaining sign (dated 1976) clearly says “no rock climbing”. This is ignored.  Rock climbers’ websites claim it is allowed.  So as a local watching another piton hammered into the rock, who is right? If climbing is now allowed? If so Tregothnan should update the signage. If is not, there are several websites that Tregothnan need to contact.

2.    Now that parking in the Football Club is allowed, people are not using the traditional entrance. He would request that Tregothnan be asked to update their signs to reflect their current position.  he would further suggest they add “no barbecues” or “open fires”. There should be signs at all access points, including direct from the Football Club Car Park.

It was resolved to contact Tregothnan regarding these issues, with Councillor D. Yelland drafting up a proposal to be sent to the Clerk to circulate and once approved send on (Proposed: Councillor D. Yelland; Seconded: Councillor M. Edyvean) Action: Clerk/Councillor D. Yelland.










Clerk/ Cllr. D. Yelland


Working Group Party for the Village - Street/Road Signs in the Village/Parish and general tidy up of the Village/Parish as a whole:- Clerk listed reports from the recent village clean as follows:-


Report from Vicky Bundy - We collected 11 large bin bags full which was quite surprising as the Main Street was looking very tidy and we noticed there had been road sweepers going round which was really good to see. Not a lot to report. We have been clearing the drainage ditches down past the kennels leading to the moor and noticed more in another ditch before the bus stop on the road leading there from the village which we will tackle next time. Others have also been focusing on the roads into Roche and we heard the Young Farmers had been busy down near the iron bridge. We had a good turnout which is the most we have had to date. We requested some heavy-duty pickers as we seem to be having at least two break each time which will definitely save money in the long run Action: Clerk to purchase heavy duty pickers.


Plant Area outside Trebonney - Having already approached the owner I would really appreciate it if the Chairman could liaise  with him on behalf of the Volunteer Working Group Party.


I know another parent in the village would be more than happy to give our time to prepare  and plant up the area and maintain it (weed /prune etc.) as needed. We could also incorporate it into our litter pick sessions to make sure it is looking nice.  A few plants and some mulch should be relatively cheap.  If there is anything spare in the Parish Council budget £10 or £20 maybe that could go towards plants? If not, I am happy to raise some as I have done for the School and the Hollies last year.  I just want the owner to know everything is all above board and the Parish Council are keen to have the area looking nice and are aware of the proposed plan. Maybe we could look at the Wishing Well near the duck pond as well?  Clerk to contact the Lions Club, WI and put Vicky Bundy in touch with them.  Chairman happy to support from our budget in the sum of £25 and it was also agreed to ask our Grasscutting Contractor to contribute as well Action: Clerk.



Report from David Edwards - There were 9 on the litter pick last Sunday, which I think is the record so far. 6 met at the Victory Hall, 2 started at the Football Club and another person joined a bit later, thinking the start time was 10.30am.  I will help Vicky with weeding the chip shop flower bed if that plan gets the go ahead. Hopefully the Parish Council can find a small amount for the project. Although Vicky has offered to fund, if necessary, I do not think it would look right for the Parish Council to accept funds that have been diverted from the other good causes that Vicky currently supports.
























Articles for Parish Council Website/Newsletter:- It was agreed to include relevant information from the meeting this evening for the newsletter Action: Clerk.



Correspondence – Clerk listed correspondence and actions required:-

1.    Mrs. Tracey Slade – Precept – Chairman requested this matter to be discussed under closed session this evening.

2.    Mr. M. Lee – Regaining Access to Water Supply – Chairman requested this matter to be discussed under closed session this evening.

3.    Mrs. Val Pomeroy – Roche Skateboard Park – Dealt with by a visit from Councillor J. Wood last month

4.    Cornwall Council – Town & Parish Council Newsletter – 23rd April; 7th May 2021

5.    Cornwall Council – Voluntary & Community Sector Covid-19 Update – 23rd April, 7th May 2021

6.    Cornwall Council – Code of Conduct and Register of Interest form

7.    Cornwall Council – Circular Routes that are Mobility Scooter Friendly

8.    Cornwall Council – 2021 Proceeds of Crime Act Community Grants : Stop Loan Sharks Community Fund

9.    Cornwall Council – Place Based Economic Growth Investment Funds

10. Office of the Police & Crime Commissioner – Ebay Tractor Scam

11. CALC – Cornwall Code of Conduct for Local Councils

12. CALC – Elections and Co-options to fill casual vacancies

13. Cornwall Council – Notices of Poll

14. CALC – Election Staff: remaining vacancies for 6th May 2021

15. Office of the Police & Crime Commissioner – G7 Community Newsletter – Keeping OPCC Councillor Advocates informed

16. Cornwall Council – Wild Camping

17. CALC – Administrative Assistant Vacancy

18. Cornwall Council – China Clay Community Network Panel Meeting – Monday 14th June 2021 – AGM

19. CALC – Remote Meetings – Court Case

20. Cornwall Council – Highway Works Information – Roche

21. CALC – Toilet Bill receives Royal Assent

22. Armand Toms – Consultation with regards to remote meetings – call for evidence

23. Cornwall Community Flood Forum – Free Virtual Introduction to Property Flood Resilience Workshop: Tuesday 6th July 2021 from 10.00-11.30am

24. Cormac Surfacing – Highway Works Information – Roche

25. Came & Company Insurance – Register for our Webinar

26. Clerks and Councils Direct Magazine

27. CALC – Guidance on returning to physical meetings

28. Cornwall Council – Code of Conduct Training

29. Great Western Railway – Long Distance Trains withdrawn by Hitachi

30. Great Western Railway – Latest position on GWR long distance services

31. Office of the Police & Crime Commissioner – Alison Hernandez elected to second term as Police & Crime Commissioner

32. CALC – Code of Conduct 2021 Action:  Next Agenda to approve changes

33. Active Cornwall – Time2Move Holiday Programme Grant Applications

34. The Growth & Skills Hub – Free Support for local businesses

35. Cornwall Council – Free Lateral Flow Tests Poster for business information
































To arrange any Sub-Committee Meetings required:-  None.



Any Urgent Matters the Chairman considers relevant for this meeting:- Clerk reported on Remembrance Day and arranging the usual service.  All Councillors were happy for this to go ahead Action: Clerk.



Date of next Meeting:- Wednesday the 9th June 2021 at 6.30pm to be held in the Roche Victory Hall Large Main Hall, Roche Victory Hall.


Clerk reported the remainder of the meetings had been booked for 2021 and the following two meetings leading into 2022 – 10th January and 7th February.


There being no further business to discuss the meeting closed at 8.09pm






Signature:     ………………………………………………




Date:               9th June 2021