
Cllr. D. Inch


Mrs. J. Burdon

(Parish Clerk)

Cllr. G. Rowe



Cllr. Mrs. I. Northey

Cllr. M. Edyvean

Cllr. P. Jones


Cllr. Mrs. J. Oxenham

Cllr. B. Higman

Cllr. Mrs. J. Norris


Cllr. Mrs. S. Tippett

1 Member of Public






Apologies:- Councillors P. Ames, J. Wood


Clerk reported an email had been received from Councillor P. Ames tendering his resignation from the position of Chairman, although he would remain as Finance Chairman and a Councillor and is hoping to attend the March Meeting, this would be up until May 2020 when re-election would take place at the Annual General Meeting.  This now leaves the position of Chairman to fill and Councillor P. Ames was happy for this to be filled under this agenda item.


Councillor D. Inch was nominated for the position of Chairman, he duly accepted and signed his Declaration of Acceptance of Office (Proposed: Councillor B. Higman; Seconded: Councillor M. Edyvean)


Councillor G. Rowe was nominated for the position of Vice-Chairman, he duly accepted and signed his Declaration of Acceptance of Office (Proposed: Councillor D. Inch; Seconded: Councillor P. Jones)



Public Forum:-  One member of public in attendance. 



Members Declaration of Interest on items raised on the Agenda/Requests for Dispensation:- Councillor Mrs. S. Tippett declared a pecuniary interest in respect of Dog Sign quotations for the Roche Football Social Club.



Monthly Cornwall Councillor Report:-  Report received from Cornwall Councillor J. Wood as circulated by the Clerk:-

·      Tregoss Site visits have been made by Planning Enforcement and the Environment Agency. An enforcement case has been set up and an Officer allocated.  All taken very seriously but of course, you all know the wheels in these cases move through the legal process with caution. We are no longer privy to the work being carried out under the legislation of human rights and confidentiality.  I hear you shout ‘what about the residents’ I agree but we are bound by these crazy laws.  I acted the day after the Parish Council Meeting in January and give the Council their due they were out the very next day inspecting the site and had Officers on site the following week from the different agencies. We now have to wait developments.

·      Sheds at Belowds, trawling through the planning applications is a laborious task which anyone can do or we have to have grounds to lodge an official complaint.

Planning advice comes at a cost and as we have not received a complaint from a resident asking for the overstretched enforcement group to look into it, it will take time.

·      PA18/09982 – He would be emphasising the Parish Council’s and his concerns at this premature application.  He understands that the Diocese   which has land all over the Duchy in many prime locations is viewing this case with interest as it may set a precedent for them to challenge other Neighbourhood Plans.  Tregothnan are not the only major land owners who are looking for an ‘uplist’ in land values. If this application is passed then what about the infra-structure, our School and Doctors Surgery cannot cope now. He would of course be attending the planning meeting and emphasising these points, especially concerns about Neighbourhood Plans, which most County Councillors have been engaged with.

·      Land at Thornton Close – He has spoken with the applicants; they understand that the Parish Council are not to blame and have in fact done all they can to assist Louise Wood is as frustrated with the Legal Department as we are.  I leave on her whenever our paths cross.

·      Cornwall Council Land at Glebe Quarry – Properties want to sell it but it would be of little or no advantage to the Parish Council to purchase. I emphasised that we would come up with a plan for its use and requested that they delayed marketing it as the last thing we wanted was for a developer to buy it.

·      Residents living near the Duck Pond have suggested we replace the waste bin with a ‘Dog Poo’ bin. Not sure what to think.

·      The ‘Forest for Cornwall’ is not the correct description of the Councils intention. A forest as all who know the word is a very large collection of trees covering some considerable area. It now transpires that is no the Councils intention but it is to encourage communities, individuals, land owners large and small plus major organisations (Imerys, National Trust, English Heritage) to plant more trees. Funding well communities will be encouraged and supports to not quite the carbon neutral response some of us envisaged. How do we prevent ‘double counting’ of tree planting by some, interesting times.

·      Expansion of the Industrial Estate at Victoria is envisaged and being positively encourages and I have emphasised that it must be accompanied by extensive tree planting to create a screen and protect the village.

·      Link Road announcement expected in March Budget (Governments love announcing the same spend time and time again) but things are progressing and some foliage clearance (at risk) will be happening very soon to prevent habitat creation.

Chairman suggested the only matter we need to keep a watch on is the expansion of the Industrial Estate at Victoria.





Confirmation of Parish Minutes from the Meeting held on the 8th January 2020:- Resolved the Minutes of the Monthly Meeting held on the 8th January 2020 as circulated be approved and signed by the Chairman (Proposed: Councillor P. Jones; Seconded: Councillor Mrs. I. Northey)



Matters Arising from the Monthly Minutes of the Meeting held on the 8th January 2020:-


Page 2 Min.268/19 Racing Pigeon Club at Roche Football Club:-  Clerk reported the annual invoice had been forwarded for payment, to date are waiting for payment Action: Keep Pending.

Page 2 Min.272/19 Light on Playing Field Hedge:-  Clerk reported the new electricity for the Street Lighting on the Playing Field hedge has now been set up and in place.


Page 4 Min.315/19 Voluntary Community Benefit PA19/06776:-  Clerk reported she was waiting relevant contribution and had been informed they are awaiting Cornwall Council’s decision on the planning application.  Once they have secured a permission the payment will be made to the Parish Council Action: Keep Pending.


Page 5 Min.315/19 Email regarding Public Consultation Meeting:-  Clerk reported a response had been received from John Vine, of which a copy had been forwarded to David Edwards advising that during the Public meeting at the Roche Football Club on the  2nd December 2019 he spoke with Mr Edwards.  At the meeting he raised a question regarding a permissive path in the Whitemoor/Gothers area which Imerys has closed recently due to health and safety concerns for those using it. He subsequently sent an email to Imerys (on the 10th December 2019) as a follow up to our conversation. We are considering options regarding the Whitemoor footpath.  As he made contact with the Company over this matter I am unsure why he did not raise  the questions he has posed to the Parish Council at the same time. However, in response: The proposal to rework parts of the tip at Goonbarrow for secondary aggregates is for an initial period of 10 years. Unfortunately, during this time there will be no opportunity to allow any further permissive access to Imerys land in the vicinity of the operations. There are a number of public footpaths in the area and a section of the Clay Trails network lies to the north. None of the existing access network will be affected by the proposal. In respect of a 'panoramic viewing area' it is assumed Mr Edwards refers to views from the site to the North? Again, due to health and safety implications this is not an option at the current time.  In respect of traffic issues, the concept of the proposal is that all processed material leaving the site at Goonbarrow will be moved by lorry to the port of Fowey for onward shipment to markets in the South East of England.  There should be no additional impact upon the village of Roche.


Page 3 Min.315/19 Sheds erected on the junction of Belowda:-  Clerk reported there was an update in Cornwall Councillor J. Wood’s report as earlier this evening Action: Keep Pending and Clerk to follow up.


Page 3 Min.289/19 Caravans in Roche Parish at Tregoss:-  Clerk reported there was a response from Cornwall Council to confirm that Licence Compliance were not aware of this site until informed.  One their team has now contacted Councillor J. Wood and has obtained further information which indicates this is a very new development.  They arranged to take two officers to the site and have invited Environmental Health and Planning Enforcement to join them regarding the rubbish and there being no planning permission.  Further email received on the 10th January 2020 Licence Compliance are planning to spot check on Thursday the 16th January 2020.  They have also invited Planning and Environmental Health to accompany them to show a united front and to hopefully tackle all issues in one visit.  See further report from Cornwall Councillor earlier this evening Action: Keep Pending and Clerk to follow up.


Page 4 Min.10/20 Solar Grant to Roche Victory Hall Managing Trustees:-  Email received to say thank you on behalf of the Roche Victory Hall Managing Trustees for the donation received from the Solar Funding for some refurbishment to the toilet, etc., as this work is badly needed.  They hope to have this work done as soon as possible.  Thank you to the Parish Council for their support in this matter.


Page 4 Min.10/20 Solar Grant to Roche Brass:-  Letter received on behalf of the Roche Brass Band to thank the Parish Council for their very kind donation of £6,776.00 towards the purchase of new equipment.  They are pleased to say that they have now put the orders in with the suppliers and will forward on copies of the invoices in due course.  Many Thanks again for the continued support, it is really appreciated.


Page 5 Min.10/20 Smalls Grant to Jenson Copeland and Bailey Copeland:-  Email received from Ria Copeland thanking the Parish Council for the donation towards Bailey and Jenson Copeland’s gymnastics.  This is going to be a great help towards their competitions this year.  Jenson is competing in February to hopefully qualify for the South West Regionals later in the year, and Bailey has a competition in March to hopefully qualify to compete in the Nationals in Stoke on Trent later in the year.  Their youngest Son, Oscar has his first ever competition this year at 6 years old, so 2020 is looking positive. It is nice that the village she grew up in and the village the boys are growing up in are so supportive.  It means a lot.  She is happy to keep the Parish Council informed or to come to speak about their sport.


Page 6 Mins.15/20 and 16/20 Order of Service for Remembrance Day and VE Day:-  Email received from Rachael Wakeham confirming she would be happy to quote but this would depend on how many pages there are for each Order of Service and whether there is already a copy available or whether she would have to type up from new.  She charges £20.00 per hour and that usually equates to about 4 x A5 size pages per hour.  Sometimes she could do it quicker, dependant on any additions, it may take a bit longer.  It was agreed to accept this and request colour on the front page Action: Clerk


Page 6 Min.18/20 Roche Rock Seats:-  Clerk reported that Tregothnan Estates had confirmed they would finance this request and DC Professional Services had carried out the work and forwarded their invoice on to them.  Photographs had been sent to the Clerk which had been circulated and Mr. David Edwards had expressed his thanks to the Parish Council for arranging this.


Page 9 Min.27/20 Road from Roche School to Carbis:-  Email received from Rachael Tatlow of Cormac Solutions advising the Highway Steward has attended this location and reports that there are no defects in accordance with the Highways Maintenance Manual. However, this section has been nominated for surfacing.









































































Planning Applications/Results/Correspondence/Any Letters received for or against any Planning Applications:-


Planning Applications:- None received at the meeting.


Update on Planning Application for Mr. Paul O’Mahoney - PA19/08615:- Clerk reported a response had been received advising the Planning Case Officer had contacted Highways again for an update.  The planning permission would apply to the property and not the owners.  They could impose reasonable conditions to any permission in respect of opening hours.  Given the nature of the facilities, it is only anticipated that the use would be low key.  Highways Engineers comments received as follows after visiting the site.  He acknowledges emerging visibility is constrained, however, based upon on-site observations (observed speeds) forward visibility for Southbound traffic along Victoria Road would appear acceptable.  In the absence of personal injury causalities recorded at this access point and considering the scale of development proposed should not result in a significant increase in vehicle movements, no objection is raised.  It was resolved to reiterate our comments regarding the access and the safety aspects (Proposed: Councillor B. Higman; Seconded: Mrs. I. Northey) Action: Clerk.


Update on PA18/09982 – Land at Edgcumbe Road, Roche:-  Clerk reported an email had been received from Stephen Kirby and Tregothnan Estates apologising for the very short notice but he was cancelling the meeting this evening. Neither the applicant nor Officers will be attending.  Being given the opportunity to attend a Parish Council meeting is appreciated, however the applicant is engaged in ongoing discussions with Cornwall Council Officers regarding this current planning application, and it has been concluded that a delay before meeting with the Parish Council would hopefully be a more productive process.  He appreciates that Mrs. Burdon, Parish Clerk will be away for a few weeks. He would, therefore, contact Parish Councillors in the interim period regarding an alternative date/time for a closed meeting with the Parish Council members and Ward Member Action: Keep Pending.


Update on Land at Thornton Close, Roche:-  Clerk reported a response had been received from David Alcock advising that he had now received an amended draft Section 106 Agreement and although most of his concerns have now been addressed, there are still things that need to be amended.  He is now working on it to produce a correct document Action: Keep Pending.


Planning Results Received:- 


PA19/05738 – Ms. C. Glynn – Retention of 19 no. stainless steel flues, County Mill, Carbis, Roche – Approved


PA19/01685/PREAPP – Mr. & Mrs. I. Moye – Pre-application advice for resubmission of change of use from existing garage to holiday let dwelling previously refused under PA19/01042, Fernlea Cottage, Roche – Withdrawn



Planning Correspondence Received:-  Email from Sam Dunn, Cornwall Council Planning in respect of PA19/10050 Cornish Gateway Services in respect of the comments for the proposal for the new Holiday Inn sign which has been considered further.  He would like consideration to be given by the Parish Council:-  Cornwall Design guide recommends:  Reducing highway signage to all that is necessary in collaboration with informative and safely designed traffic schemes to respect the character of the particular area. However, this site is a significant local services where the signage is intended for the uses of the A30. The Highways England response indicates - it is considered unlikely that the proposals will be detrimental to the safe operation of the strategic road network in this location and we have no objection to the sign.  Although there are other signs on the site, they are not considered an undue prefoliation that is to the determinant of highway safety. The proposal is of very similar scale and form to the existing Cornish Services sign and Subway sign. The new proposed sign would be located adjacent the existing services and subways signs, and would follow the pattern of the other signs, presenting a reasonably uniform character. The character and appearance is considered to be expected to an extent near to motorway/dual carriage way services and not found to significantly alter the existing character.  It is the officer’s opinion that it would be un reasonable to refuse the proposal as it has been submitted.  The proposal sign is considered to accord with Policy 12 Design and Policy 27 Transport and Accessibility of the Cornwall Local Plan 2010. The agent is keen to ensure the site is clean and tidy, to present a good first impression of the services. If you can confirm the sign of concern that is mentioned in your comments, they are completely willing to have it removed.  It was resolved to support if they remove the sign that was discussed and did not have permission for but with the understanding that the Parish Council only supports if the signs if removed completely, before the new one goes up (Proposed: Councillor D. Inch; Seconded: Councillor B. Higman) Action: Clerk

























































Land at Glebe Quarry Update:-  See Councillor J. Wood’s report earlier.  It was resolved to include on the next agenda and Councillors think of some ideas of what we would like to see the land used for. It was resolved to ask Cornwall Councillor J. Wood to follow up for a response in writing of how Cornwall Council would proceed if there was an application for housing there in the current year and also an indication of the expected value of the land (Proposed: Councillor Mrs. S. Tippett; Seconded: Councillor M. Edyvean) Action: Clerk






Monthly Accounts for Approval:- It was proposed that the Council approve the accounts for payments as listed below as circulated on schedule (Proposed: Councillor B. Higman;  Seconded: Councillor M. Edyvean) Motion Carried

Salaries, Pensions, National Insurance, Income Tax and Expenses


February 2020

Jenson Copeland


Small Grant Fund

Bailey Copeland


Small Grant Fund

Roche Victory Hall Managing Trustees


Solar Grant Fund

Roche Brass


Solar Grant Fund

Duchy Cemetery’s Limited


Interment - Warren

DMC IT – Website Maintenance


December 2019

AJH Services – Toilet Cleaning


January 2020

Cornwall Waste Solutions Limited - Bin


December 2019

British Gas – Electric for Toilets



South West Water – Water for Toilets


7/9/19 – 31/12/19

DC Professional Services


Hoops Repairs

Duchy Cemetery’s Limited


Interment - Smith

Duchy Cemetery’s Limited


Interment - Newman

Roche Victory Hall Social Club


Hire Hall 5/2/2020

Crystal Clear – Waste Bins/Litter Picking


January 2020

DMC IT – Website Maintenance


January 2020

Crystal Clear – Bus Shelter Cleaning


January 2020

Lanhydrock Garden Services


Work on footpath

Complete Business Solutions


Stamps & Paper



Drain Clearance

HM Revenue & Customs


Refund VAT

Receipt:  Lloyds Bank- Interest


January 2020

Receipt:  Paul Bourton Funerals


Warren & Smith

Receipt:  Kerrow Memorials



Receipt:  Kerrow Memorials



Receipt:  Kerrow Memorials



Receipt:  Kerrow Memorials



Receipt:  Kerrow Memorials



Receipt:  Paul Bourtons Funerals



Receipt:  Drew Memorials

















Cemetery Matters (Including Any Applications for Memorials or Inscriptions):-  Application from Drew Memorials for an additional inscription for the late Norman Richard Warren Action: It was resolved to accept this application as per our rules and regulations, ensuring correct payment is made before any work is carried out (Proposed: Councillor B. Higman; Seconded: Councillor P. Jones) Motion Carried


Application from Kerrow Memorials for a cremation tablet for the late Peggy and Arthur Howard Smith Action: It was resolved to accept this application as per our rules and regulations, ensuring correct payment is made before any work is carried out (Proposed: Councillor B. Higman; Seconded: Councillor P. Jones) Motion Carried


Cemetery Extension Land:-  Clerk reported a response had been received from David Alcock advising he had spoken with Mike Morcom and his Solicitor and apart from Mike Morcom there are other people involved, i.e. Cornwall Council Legal Department and Barclays Bank.  He is not sure why this transaction has not been completed.  He would follow up with Mike Morcom again today for an update but nothing has been heard further Action: Keep Pending and forward email to Mike Morcom that was sent from David Alcock.


Councillor M. Edyvean reported on the moles in Roche Cemetery and there are a lot.  It was resolved to request Keith Perks to action the moles (Proposed: Councillor B. Higman; Seconded: Councillor Mrs. I. Northey) Action: Clerk


















Roche Church Cemetery and New Cemetery Tarmaccing Works:-  Two quotations received as follows:-


Quote 1 - Church Footpaths = £4,350.00 plus vat; New Cemetery Footpath and Entrance = £8,550.00 plus vat.  Total = £12,900.00 plus vat.

Quote 2 – Church Footpaths = £3,420.00 plus vat; New Cemetery Footpath and Entrance = £7,415.00 plus vat.  Total = £10,835.00 plus vat.


It was resolved to go with Quote 2 (Proposed: Councillor P. Jones; Seconded: Councillor B. Higman) Action: Clerk and Chairman.









Grasscutting Sponsors – Update from Councillor D. Inch:- Councillor D. Inch reported there has been no feedback at this time Action: Next Agenda.



Contract Tender Paperwork Update:- Clerk reported all letters had now been sent to current Contractors.  Schedules for new contracts had now been drawn up and sent out to current Contractors and advertisements put up on noticeboards and website.  Closing date set for Tuesday the 10th March, so they would be received in time to open at a closed meeting of the Parish Council on Wednesday the 11th March 2020, so all in place for the 1st April 2020 Action: Next Agenda for Closed Meeting.






VE Day 75th Anniversary Celebrations on the 8th May 2020:-  Clerk reported the Choir had responded advising they could not do the date or Remembrance Day Service.  Clerk had requested whether Richard Hawkey could follow up with other choirs over the next couple of weeks whilst she is away and hopefully arrange bookings for both events.  All letters had been sent out to organisations by Richard Hawkey.  We are still waiting to hear who will be presiding over the Service and Paul Arthur is currently on holiday. 


Chairman requested whether a Councillor would see if they could follow up for a choir for both events.  Councillor B. Higman requested for Clerk to send him an email with information of what is required from the Choir and he would follow up, copying in Councillor Mrs. I. Northey.  Clerk to also email Richard Hawkey regarding a band for VE Day Action: Clerk


Councillor P. Jones queried whether it would be good to have some old war time vehicles.  He would be happy to follow up and see if there are any available Action: Councillor P. Jones.











Cllr. P. Jones


Minor Repairs/Works in the Parish that may arise:-

Litter Bins Issue and Land at St. Michaels Way:-  Councillor M. Edyvean reported he had met with DC Professional Services and he confirms the easiest way to stop anybody walking over the new grassed areas would be to chain and padlock the gates for a few weeks.  To remove metal coil rubberised matting concrete and edgings in main area already identified. Make good with soil and grass seed area.  Labour 9 Hours; Materials and disposal of concrete £60.00. Matting to go in bin in Cemetery. To remove concrete pad to the right hand side nearer to the fence and make good with soil and seed at the same time. Labour 3 hours; Materials and disposal of concrete £25.00. To remove waste bin and concrete pad it is mounted on and make good with soil and seed area at the same time. Labour 3 hours; Materials and disposal of concrete £25.00.  To remove bench and concrete base it is mounted on and make good with soil and seed at the same time. Labour 6 hours; Materials and disposal of bench and concrete £55.00.  It was resolved that DC Professional carry out necessary repairs, copying in Cornwall M. Edyvean, ensuring the bench stays in place (Proposed: Councillor Mrs. J. Norris; Seconded: Councillor Mrs. I. Northey) Action: Clerk.

Upright fence which borders the stream along the public footpath between Shires Way and Mayfield Drive:- Clerk reported Rachael Tatlow of Cormac had responded advising as there were no safety hazards noted at the time of the visit, it would not be appropriate to spend public funds making improvements for aesthetic reasons.  The adoption notice does not refer to the handover of any fencing in this area, therefore she could only assume that the original developer installed the fencing or property owners adjacent to the footpath in this area.  Councillor B. Higman reported that he spoke to a neighbour and they believed a Council had repaired the fence before, he suspects it is probably Restormel Borough Council and Cornwall Council have not taken over.  He, however, does believe there is cause for concern and dangerous, especially if a youngster were to fall down.  It was resolved to respond advising we are not happy and we would ask you to carry out a site visit with Cornwall Councillor J. Wood, to ensure you are confident with what your Officer has reported, as we do believe it is an actual risk (Proposed: Councillor Mrs. J. Oxenham; Seconded: Councillor G. Rowe Action: Clerk.

























Playing Fields and Hardcore Area:- Councillor M. Edyvean reported work has started on the slides.  Vandals in the village are tying knots in the big swings on the chains, they were cable tied together one weekend.  Councillor M. Edyvean reported he is meeting the County Tree Officer on Monday regarding the hedge, Chairman agreed to attend this meeting as well.  Councillor M. Edyvean reported that Keith Perks had cleared the moles. He would like to see a one-off payment to get the playing fields levelled and rolled now the moles have been removed. There has been a lot of glass bottles being broken by youngsters in the Playing Fields, placing the sharp edges upwards in the grass, it could be a one-off but he would keep an eye out in the future.  A parishioners also told him that he sweeped up some glass around the chatshack.  These things are all low level but if we make too much of a fuss, the youngsters think this is funny and they will up their game.  He has called 101 and reported these issues and he received an email this morning from the Police regarding the damage in the Church Yard and they gave him a crime number but would be doing nothing due to the lack of CCTV and witnesses, so it seems just keep quiet or put in better security Action: Clerk to include in the Newsletter.


Councillor B. Higman reported in conjunction with the Tregothnan planning application, in that they will come up with play areas within the estate.  Given what it has cost to have a play area and then the Parish Council having to take over responsibility at some point, we may be need to request they forget the play area and put funds into our main playing fields, just to have perhaps some grassed areas for children to play on but no equipment, so to be left as a green area only.


Clerk reported on the finalisation of the lease on the Tennis Courts and the Solicitors confirm the deed has been completed, but the application has not been processed at the Land Registry, who currently have long delays. They will ask the Land Registry for a timescale for registration. However, the deed is still effective – the Land Registry application does not adversely affect this.  Further email received advising the application to register the Deed of Surrender has now been completed and a copy of the tenant’s amended registered title CL222754, where you will see the Deed of Surrender is referred to at entries 9 and 10 of the Property Register. 

The surrendered land has been removed from the Football Club’s title.  They also note that the Parish Council’s title to this area is not registered (as per maps attached).  They would be happy to look into this if required.  It was resolved to request they register it for the Parish Council (Proposed: Councillor B. Higman; Seconded: Councillor G. Rowe) Action: Clerk.                                                         





























Councillor Mrs. S. Tippett declared a pecuniary interest in respect of the following item:-



Dog Sign – Keep Dogs on Short Leads by Order of Roche Parish Council to be erected at Roche Football Social Club:- Councillor M. Edyvean reported he has noticed in the Churchyard and Sports Fields, there is a considerable amount of dog faeces being left behind by dog walkers.


Quotes received for signs as follows:-


Quote 1 – Supply and Install 1 x new sign (210mm x 300mm) as per design and brief at £126.88 (Sign = £81.88; Fitting = £45.00)  ADD INFOR HERE


Quote 2 – Supply Only : 1-2 = £57.60 each; 3-4 = £26.40 each; 5+ - £22.68 each.  Fitting for 1st Sign would be £35.00, then each additional sign at £17.50 each.


It was resolved to go with Option 2 and request 4 signs  (Proposed: Councillor P. Jones; Seconded: Councillor Mrs. J. Oxenham) Action: Clerk to request and ask Contractor to meet with Councillor M. Edyvean for siting.












Roche Public Conveniences/Bus Shelters:-  None.

Roche Public Conveniences:- Clerk reported the drains had to be cleared at the Public Conveniences last week by Clear-Flow.

Bus Shelters:- Clerk to report bus shelter panes are missing on the Pharmacy side Action: Clerk to report on Cornwall Council’s website.





Footpath Signs/Matters (including Letter for Local Maintenance of Footpaths from Cornwall Council):-   Letter received from Cornwall Council advising they are offering £1,059.12 for the cutting of Public Rights of Way in the Parish.  It was resolved to accept the offer (Proposed: Councillor B. Higman; Seconded: Councillor M. Edyvean) Action: Clerk





Working Group Party for the Village - Street/Road Signs in the Village/Parish and general tidy up of the Village/Parish as a whole:- No report.  Next litter pick is on Sunday 1st March 2020.




Articles for Parish Council Website/Newsletter:- Clerk to include items discussed earlier in the meeting Action: Clerk.



Correspondence – Clerk listed correspondence and actions required:-

1.    Steve Double MP – Surgery Schedule 2020

2.    Cornwall Council Pensions - Funding Strategy Statement Consultation

3.    Cornwall Council - Climate Change Workshop - Thursday 30th January 2020

4.    Ministry of Housing - Your views on Neighbourhood Planning

5.    Great Western Railway – Improvement Work in the South West in Early 2020

6.    Steve Double MP 2020 Survey

7.    Great Western Railway – New Timetable

8.    Cornwall Community Flood Forum – Invite to Cornwall Community Flood Forum March Workshops

9.    Cornwall Council – CCFF & CCRN Flood Warden Training Workshops: - Request to Promote

10. Cornwall Council – Consultation Notification: Cornwall Design & Cornwall Streetscape Design Guide

11. Cornwall Council – Community Governance Review Update

12. Cornwall Council – Ethical Standards – Code of Conduct Training – March 2020

13. Cornwall Council – Tour of Britain – Cornwall

14. Cornwall Council – Hold the Date for Localism Climate Change Workshop – Saturday 29th February 2020 9.30am for 10.00am start until 1.00pm at Eliot House Hotel, Liskeard

15. Cornwall Council Pensions – Pension Committee Employer Representative

16. Cornwall Council – Climate Change Development Planning Document

17. Cornwall Council – Community Governance Review Stage 3 – Consultation Information Events

18. Cornwall Council – Invitation to a Tour of Britain Community Briefing Event

19. Cornwall Council – Advert for lay Members of Cornwall Councils Standards Committee

20. Cornwall Council – Town and Parish Newsletter – January 2020

21. Cornwall Council Pensions – Cornwall Pension Fund January 2020 Employer Newsletter

22. Cornwall Council – 2020 Off-Street Parking Order

23. Cornwall Council – Latest News from Cornwall Planning for your Council – Planning News for Local Councils and Agents (January 2020 Edition)

24. Cornwall Council – China Clay Community Network Panel Meeting – Monday 10th February 2020 at 7.00pm in the St. Stephen Community Centre

25. Cornwall Council – Climate Change Development Planning Document




To arrange any Sub-Committee Meetings required:- It was agreed that Councillors do need to email each other and have a conversation on what we want to discuss at the meeting regarding the Land at Edgcumbe Road Site and perhaps have a half hour meeting prior to meeting them.



Any Urgent Matters the Chairman considers relevant for this meeting:- None.



Date of next Meeting:- Wednesday the 11th March 2020 at 6.30pm in the Roche Victory Hall Large Committee Meeting Roche, Roche Victory Hall. 


There being no further business to discuss the meeting closed at 7.41pm







Signature:     ………………………………………………




Date:               11th March 2020