
Cllr. D. Inch


Mrs. J. Burdon

(Parish Clerk)

Cllr. G. Rowe



Cllr. M. Edyvean

Cllr. D. Yelland

Cllr. Mrs. J. Oxenham


Cllr. Mrs. S. Tippett

Cllr. P. Jones

Cllr. Mrs. A. King


Cllr. M. Taylor

Cllr. Mrs. L. Harrison

Cwll. Cllr. P. Guest


1 Member of Public







Co-option of new Parish Councillors and Signing of Declaration of Acceptance of Office:- Chairman welcomed our two new Councillors to their first meeting having been co-opted as Parish Councillors by using a paper voting system.  Councillors signed their Declaration of Acceptance of Office and passed back to the Clerk.



Updated Code of Conduct to be adopted by the Parish Council:-  It was resolved to accept the updated Code of Conduct with relevant amendments as suggested by CALC (Proposed: Councillor P. Jones; Seconded: Councillor Mrs. S. Tippett) Action: Clerk.




Apologies:- Councillor Mrs. H. Retallick.  Councillor M. Taylor would be late to the meeting this evening.


Clerk reported Irene Northey had sent an email thanking the Parish Council for the lovely flowers kindly delivered, advising she wishes us every success in all the projects for the future.  If by any chance at any she could help to contact her and if possible she would be happy to assist. She enjoyed her time with the Parish Council, however, felt it was time to stand down.


Clerk reported that John Wood expressed his thanks for wine and how much he was now actually enjoying his retirement.


Councillor M. Taylor arrived at 6.39pm.



Public Forum:-  One member of Public in attendance, Mr. John Burton.  He owns Saddler Rock Mine and he wanted to know the Parish Councils thoughts on the suggestions for the site.  He circulated a plan of the proposals for two eco, off-grid themed miners’ cabins in view of the main engine house. These cabins would include a bike store and provide simple accommodation to people visiting the area, cyclists and walkers. He is keen to gather the support of the Parish Councill and would provide as much details as he could in terms of the vision for the cabins and motivation behind the small project. Details of the plan, accommodation, and motivation, this had been listed in the correspondence received.


Chairman thanked John Burton for his update this evening.



Update on New Youth Club:- Councillor Mrs. L. Harrison reported there was nothing to update.  However, she would like to gain some advice on grants that could be applied for.  She has been liaising with Cornwall Councillor P. Guest and they will look at going forward.

She is currently waiting for Bugle Youth Club to get back to her regarding setting up a Youth Club.


Chairman suggested speaking with the Roche Football Club as it was felt with the new skatepark project it may be a good area to start. The Parish Council would be happy to speak to them and give them an update on the new skatepark at the same time, advising we have a Parish Councillor who is looking to set up a new Youth Club for the village and that the Parish Council would support this and ensure there was someone in place to run it.  Activities could be discussed if they are interested in this project (Proposed: Councillor Mrs. J. Oxenham; Seconded: Councillor Mrs. S. Tippett) Action: Clerk.












Members Declaration of Interest on items raised on the Agenda/Requests for Dispensation:- Councillor Mrs. S. Tippett declared a pecuniary interest in dog sign for St. Michaels Way.


Councillor Mrs. A. King declared a non-registerable interest in any planning correspondence that may be received for the enforcement issues at Tregoss.



Monthly Cornwall Councillor Report:- Cornwall Councillor P. Guest reported as follows:-

·         It has been about a month since the election, and once again, I would like to thank the people of the Roche and Bugle division for putting their confidence in me.

·         There has been a lot of activity at County Hall, but it has been mainly focused on training for the County Councillors. Committee places have been allocated and I will be serving on 6 of them, they are Licensing, Miscellaneous licencing, Children and Families, Standards, Appeals and the Cornwall inshore fisheries and conservation authority [CIFCA].

·         Although this sounds like a lot, 2 of them are intermittent and 1 only meets quarterly and I am confident that I will have more than enough time to work on my primary job which is serving, representing and assisting both the Parish Council and our residents.

·         I have attended a couple of meetings of the Clay Country Network along with neighbouring County Councillors. Although, they have been mainly ‘meet and greet’ sessions, it’s heartening to know that we are 4 Councillors who are united in our determination to deliver the best possible service to Clay Country and I am optimistic that the future will bring good things to our area.

·         I have been briefed on the A30 Link Road, there are a couple of minor legal issues to be overcome, but we are still on target for a September start. There is a link on the Cornwall council website which is updated on a regular basis and I will continue to keep you informed in these monthly reports.

·         I have had a brief conversation with the Post Office, they are currently waiting on a response from the Victory Hall. Once they have heard back, they have agreed to contact me again. I have got everything crossed that we can save this vital service to the village.

·         I have met with Imerys, their community initiatives are severely restricted at the moment because of the current lockdown rules, but once they are eased, we have agreed to explore funding options which will benefit the parish.

·         I have conducted regular walkabouts in the village, usually with my dog, stopping and chatting to people, getting my face known and even picking up bits of casework along the way.

I am in regular contact with both the Parish Clerk and the Chairman. I hope other members of the Parish Council and residents feel that they can contact me at any time about any issue.

·         In the coming month, I hope to reach out and meet local businesses, I am conscious that during the election campaign and in the last month I have concentrated on residents and feel that I have rather neglected local businesses. With the Parish Councils permission, I would also like to tag along with you Councillors when you carry out your parish walkabouts.

·         I genuinely believe that these are exciting times for our village and by working closely with you the Parish Council, I am convinced that the future is bright.

·         Councillor M. Edyvean queried enforcement issues raised last month.  This was detailed in matters arising this evening.  Chairman said reply to say this is not good enough for the delays, can he reply on behalf of the Parish Council and copy in all Councillors Action: Cornwall Councillor P. Guest.

Chairman thanked Cornwall Councillor P. Guest for his report this evening. 



































Cwll. Cllr. P. Guest


Election of New Members on Sub-Committees and other outside organisations:- It was agreed to include Councillors M. Taylor and Mrs. L. Harrison on Finance, Burial and Planning Sub-Committees.  Councillor Mrs. L. Harrison would also like to sit on the Footpaths Sub-Committee.  It was agreed to update relevant paperwork.  All other Sub-Committees and organisation representatives remain the same as agreed at the May Meeting Action: Clerk to update relevant paperwork.






Confirmation of Parish Minutes from the AMG and Monthly Meetings held on the 12th May 2021:- Resolved the Minutes of the AGM and Monthly Meetings held on the 12th May 2021 as circulated were confirmed as a true and accurate record and to be duly signed by the Chairman (Proposed: Councillor P. Jones; Seconded: Councillor D. Yelland)



Matters Arising from the AGM and Monthly Minutes of the Meetings held on the 12th May 2021:-


Page 3 Min.310/20 Caravans in Roche Parish, including Victoria and other areas:-  Clerk reported that Cornwall Councillor P. Guest had followed up immediately after the meeting, they had confirmed 10 days to respond, and on the 10th day, asked for an extension until the 15th to formulate a response.  He will continue to monitor and will send a response as soon as he received one Action: Cornwall Councillor P. Guest.


Page 3 Min.315/19 Sheds erected on the junction of Belowda:-  Clerk reported that Cornwall Councillor P. Guest had followed up immediately after the meeting, they had confirmed 10 days to respond, and on the 10th day, asked for an extension until the 15th to formulate a response.  He will continue to monitor and will send a response as soon as he received one Action: Cornwall Councillor P. Guest.


Page 3 Min.289/19 Caravans in Roche Parish at Tregoss:- Clerk reported that Cornwall Councillor P. Guest had followed up immediately after the meeting, they had confirmed 10 days to respond, and on the 10th day, asked for an extension until the 15th to formulate a response.  He will continue to monitor and will send a response as soon as he received one Action: Cornwall Councillor P. Guest.



Page 3 Min.63/21 Hole in Perspex on Bus Shelter:-  Clerk reported she had received a response from Cormac to be discussed under Bus Shelters later on the agenda this evening.


Page 4 Min.119/21 Asset Register:-  Clerk reported the Asset Register had been updated accordingly.  It would be finalised once the lawnmower and strimmers had been sold.  The stock check of instruments had been received from Richard Hawkey and a copy would be registered with the Asset Register Action: Clerk.


Page 9 Min.130/21 Roche Rock:-  Clerk reported no response had been received.  It was agreed to follow up for a response Action: Clerk.


Page 11 Min.135/21 Remembrance Day Service:-  Clerk reported she has spoken with Reverend Paul Arthurs, and he has a PCC Meeting on the 27th June, and he has put this on the agenda.  He cannot see that there will be any problems with hosting the Remembrance Day Service Action: Keep Pending and follow up with Choirs, Brass Band and organisations.



Clerk/Cwll. Cllr. P. Guest



Clerk/Cwll. Cllr. P. Guest



Clerk/Cwll. Cllr. P. Guest
















Planning Applications/Results/Correspondence/Any Letters received for or against any Planning Applications:-  


Planning Applications:-


For Information Only - PA21/01238/PREAPP – Mr. Richard Ball – Pre-application advice for a glamping site, Sunny View, Criggan, Bugle


PA21/04125 – Mr. Adrian Parker – Erection of a new detached garage within existing permeable hardstanding and parking area. Installation of a roof light in the main dwelling, Higher Town Barn, Tremodrett Lane, Roche – Support (Proposed: Councillor G. Rowe; Seconded: Councillor P. Jones)


PA21/04865 – Gridserve Sustainable Energy and Cornish Gateway Services – The development of an electric vehicle charging hub and associated works, Cornish Gateway Services, Victoria, Roche – Next Agenda, Extension of Time has been agreed


PA21/00733 – Imerys – EIA Scoping Opinion Request for St. Austell China Clay Area ROMP, St. Austell China clay Area ROMP – Next Agenda, Extension of Time has been agreed


Planning Results Received:-


PA21/03534 – Mr.& Mrs. W. Cash - Application for a non-material amendment following grant of planning permission PA21/00862 dated 26/3/21. Amendment sought to provide a high-level window to side elevation, 8 Thornton Close, Roche – Approved


PA21/01761 – Mr. & Mrs. D. Moore – Proposed rear dormer extension and rear ground floor extension, 105 Trezaise Road, Roche – Approved


PA20/11242 – Mr. & Mrs. Nathan and Jo McCartney – Full application for the re-design of Plot 3 outline approval PA17/02121, Storage Units at Withiel Turning, Withiel Road, Roche – Approved


Planning Correspondence Received:- Email from Cornwall Councillor P. Guest in respect of Nana Trees Burgers advising he had met up with the owner on site.  Her preferred site is about 100 metres back from that caravan and as the road is wider there, it is away from any entrances or exits and has no double yellows. She did enquire about the waste ground/overflow car park next to Volvo. Apparently this land is rented by Conway Bailey transport, they have contacted their landlord, but the feeling is that they would wish to charge a prohibitive ground rent, which could make Mrs Leeson’s business unviable. Following the meeting, he went down to Chubeez in Bugle, unfortunately with it being Sunday, it was all locked up. I would go over again and try and find out where and when they propose moving to, also, if they have applied or are just planning on turning up one day.























Cornwall Council – Planning Induction Training for Local Councils – 22nd 23rd and 24th June 2021:- It was agreed the Clerk recirculates to Councillors as a reminder.  Clerk to book Councillor D. Inch on  Clerk to also request a recording after the training has taken place.  Clerk to book Chairman in for Thursday 24th June – Enforcement and Compliance Appeals Action: Clerk.





Monthly Accounts for Approval:- It was proposed that the Council approve the accounts for payments as listed below as circulated on schedule (Proposed: Councillor P. Jones;  Seconded: Councillor Mrs. A. King) Motion Carried

Salaries, Pensions, National Insurance, Income Tax and Expenses


June 2021

Lanhydrock Garden Services


Grasscutting - April

Mrs. J. Burdon – Gift for Irene Northey



Mrs. J. Burdon – Gift for John Wood



British Gas – Electric for Toilets








Desk Organiser



Shredder Oil



Litter Picker



Litter Picker



Litter Picker



Litter Picker



Litter Picker



Litter Picker

Cornwall Council – NNDR for Mortuary


June 2021

Hudson Accounting Limited


Internal Audit Fee

Cornwall Waste Solutions Limited


Empty Waste Bin

Crystal Clear – Bus Shelter Cleaning


May 2021

Wicksteed Leisure Limited


Swing Seats

DMC IT – Website Maintenance


May 2021

Roche Victory Hall


Hire Hall – June

Vicky Bundy


Key Cutting

AJH Services – Toilet Cleaning


May 2021

Receipt: Cornwall Council – Interest


Jun 2021

Receipt: Kerrow Memorials



Receipt: Kerrow Memorials



















Approval of Annual Accounts for the year ending 31st March 2021:- It was resolved to approve the Annual Accounts for the year ending 31st March 2021 as set out, which were duly signed by the Finance Chairman and Clerk (Proposed: Councillor P. Jones; Seconded: Councillor Mrs. A. King)



Approval of Section 1 of Annual Return – Annual Governance Statement 2020/2021:-  It was resolved to approve Section 1 of the Annual Return as set out  (Proposed: Councillor D. Yelland; Seconded: Councillor G. Rowe) Action: Clerk to send to External Auditors and advertise relevant statement advising that the accounts are unaudited at this time, as per regulations.




Approval of Section 2 of Annual Return – Accounting Statements 2020/2021:-  It was resolved to approve Section 2 of the Annual Return as set out (Proposed: Councillor D. Yelland; Seconded: Councillor G. Rowe) Action: Clerk to send to External Auditors and advertise relevant statement advising that the accounts are unaudited at this time, as per regulations.




Internal Auditors Report for the year ending 31st March 2021:-  Clerk reported on internal audit carried out and the internal audit response record as follows:-

1.    Appropriate accounting records have been properly kept throughout the financial year. The accounts are maintained on a spreadsheet; they were in balance and appeared free from material error.

2.    This Authority complied with its financial regulations, payments were supported by invoices, all expenditure was approved, and vat was appropriately accounted for. Financial Regulations were last reviewed in February 2021. Payments tested were suitably evidenced and VAT had been accurately recorded.

3.    This Authority assessed the significant risks to achieving its objectives and reviewed the adequacy of arrangements to manage these.  Statutory insurances are in place, but the Fidelity Guarantee is no longer adequate at £250k, recommended it is increased. The risk assessment and review of the effectiveness of internal controls was carried out in February 2021 Action: Clerk.

4.    The precept or rates requirements resulted from an adequate budgetary process; progress against the budget was regularly monitored, and reserves were appropriate.   The budget and precept were approved at Full Council in December 2020 following the production of estimates. Budget monitoring is reported to Members monthly. The general reserve is currently £104,581 (EMR’s are £134K (equating to 74% of gross expenditure; within generally accepted parameters.

5.    Expected income was fully received, based on correct prices, properly recorded, and promptly banked; and vat was appropriately accounted for. Burial income was tested and had been accurately charged and promptly banked. The precept received was checked to the records of the Parish Council and the principal authority. VAT Claims has been claimed up to January 2021.

6.    Petty cash payments were properly supported by receipts, all petty cash expenditure was approved, and vat appropriately accounted for. No operated.

7.    Salaries to employees and allowances to members were paid in accordance with this Authority’s approvals, and PAYE and NI requirements were properly applied. The national pay award has been accurately implemented. PAYE and NI requirements were met.

8.    Asset and investments registers were complete and accurate and properly maintained. The asset register has been updated and the total value of assets held is accurately disclosed on the Agar.

9.    Periodic and year-end bank account reconciliations were properly carried out. Monthly bank reconciliations are provided to Members as part of the finance report. The year-end bank reconciliation was found to be accurate.


10. Accounting statements prepared during the year were prepared on the correct accounting basis (receipts and payments or income and expenditure) agreed to the cash book, supported by an appropriate audit trail from underlying records, and where appropriate debtors and creditors were properly recorded. The accounts were produced on a receipts and payments basis and were in accord with underlying records.

11. If the authority certified itself as exempt from a limited assurance review in 2019/20, it met the exemption criteria and correctly declared itself exempt.  Not applicable.

12. If the authority has an annual turnover not exceeding £25,000, it publishes information on a website/ webpage up to date at the time of the internal audit in accordance with the Transparency code for smaller authorities.  Not applicable.

13. The authority, during the previous year (2019-20) correctly provided for the period of the exercise of public rights as required by the Accounts and Audit Regulations. The correct number of days for public inspection was allowed and the requisite Notice was published.

14. The authority has complied with the publication requirements for 2019/20 Agar. All publication requirements have been met.

15. Trust Funds. Not applicable.

16. Internet Banking – suggest that the lack of separation of duties in actual payment process is recognised in the Council’s risk assessment and mitigating controls documented therein. Council should ensure the Fidelity Guarantee not affected Action: Clerk.

17. Adopting as reserves policy is now regarded as ‘proper’ practice and should therefore, be done Action: Clerk.

18. HMRC – Advice obtained but still not agreed with HMRC – this must be done including declaration that Clerk receives expenses from more than one employer.

It was resolved to approve the Internal Auditors Report and action any queries raised (Proposed: Councillor Mrs. J. Oxenham; Seconded: Councillor M. Edyvean) Action: Clerk






















































Cemetery Matters (Including any applications for memorials or inscriptions):- 


Concrete Base for Wheelie Bin in Cemetery:- Clerk reported only one contractor wanted to quote – Labour and Materials - £160.00.  It was noted this was actioned between meetings on health and safety grounds by Councillors M. Edyvean and D. Inch.


Wheelie Waste Bin Replacement:- Response received from supplier advising they have been busy because of G7 and would confirm the day next week Action: Keep Pending.


Ditch around the Cemetery – to arrange clearing now or in the Autumn):- Clerk reported an email had been received from Cornwall Council advising the ditch is causing issues to the highway drainage that discharges into it. They asked whether the Parish Council could de-silt to allow the highway drainage to flow smoothly. Clerk reported it had, therefore, been subsequently agreed to bring the clearance forward.  This will be carried out by our Contractor this Friday.




Councillor M. Edyvean reported it has been running fairly well, however, the last couple of months it has silted up.  He is not happy they have now asked the Parish Council to clear this (even though we already had in hand anyway) especially as it is silt and rubbish running off the roads that are not being maintained sufficiently by Cormac.  When they have actually cleared the area the run off has come into the ditch as well.


Email regarding Cemetery Flower Beds (including request for signs to use bins provided and take baskets and pots home):- Chairman reported following a site meeting with Councillor M. Edyvean they agreed to put the signage on hold for now, until a decision on the waste bins in the Cemetery
Keep Pending.


Cemetery Gates on New Side:- Councillor M. Edyvean reported on the damaged gate to cemetery. It was agreed not to paint this gate and he suggested in the future the Parish Council could obtain a quote to replace.  Clerk to confirm with the Contractor not to paint the gate Action: Clerk.





























Minor Repairs/Works in the Parish that may arise:-  Chairman reported our Contractors would be supplying a quotation for additional work in the Cemetery for the next meeting.


Daffodil Planting:- Chairman reported there was no update at this time.




Support Project for the Village – Update from Site Meeting:-  Chairman reported he had no update.



Playing Fields and Hardcourt Area, including Skateboard Park Update (Discussion on Shacks for the Area):-  Clerk reported an email from Maverick forwarded planning documentation, as long as the Parish Council are happy with these, they will complete the online form and put themselves as Agent for the Parish Council, so any queries will come directly to them. They will then provide the Clerk with a reference to make payment directly once submitted.


The online consultation period has now been closed and exceptionally good results have been received with 175 responses. Detailed responses were received. The support for the design as it stands is very good and the design team do not feel that there is any need to make any changes as it is very functional as it stands.  If there is an extra £10 available after discussion on the shelters they would be happy to add to the skatepark area, perhaps building stand along skateable benches manual pad and rail on the tarmac. This would be very much welcomed by the riders. They now have had the survey back and plan to drain the skatepark to the existing gully - it was noted that there is a build-up of sediment there currently which could indicate there is a blockage at the moment.  Revised Contract would be £118,500 plus vat. It was resolved to accept this revised contract (Proposed: Councillor D. Yelland; Seconded: Councillor P. Jones) (Motion Carried) Action: Clerk.


Planning Application Submission – It was resolved to accept this revised contract (Proposed: Councillor D. Yelland; Seconded: Councillor P. Jones) (Motion Carried) Action: Clerk.


Chairman report that he had suggested taking the fencing away and only leaving fence between the cricket club and the hardcourt basketball area.  There will also be suitable planting around the outside.

Email  received from Tregothan regarding possible financial assistance – The development will provide a proportion of affordable homes, provide infrastructure and play space through the Council’s S106 mechanism.  They are sure that the local Ward Councillor can discuss with the Planning Officer at the time of a detailed planning consent for some of the funds allocated under the S106 to go towards this specific play area.  They would however, be happy to discuss nearer the time.


Action: It was agreed the Clerk speaks with Bodmin Town Council to see how they proceeded with Maverick and base on their recommendations.  Following this if there is a need for a Solicitor, arrangements can be made Action: Clerk.


Rospa Training Courses for Councillors:- Clerk reported the training has been booked for the 17th August 2021 commencing on site at 9.00am-9.30am start and is for up to 6 people initially, after this there is an additional fee of £100 plus vat each for each extra delegate, up to a maximum of 12 people.  It was resolved the following Councillors attend – M. Edyvean, Mrs. S. Tippett, G. Rowe, D. Yelland, Mrs. L. Harrison (Proposed: Councillor; Seconded: Councillor) Action: Clerk.


Swing Seats for Roche Playing Fields:-  Clerk reported the seats had now been received and our Contractor had quoted £40.00 to replace two swing seats, looking at the bolts they are rusty and hopefully undo, may possibly need new nuts which will be fine for this price, but if unsuccessful the costs could change.  Clerk reported it had been agreed to accept this price in between meetings for health and safety reasons as proposed and seconded by Councillors M. Edyvean and D. Inch Action: Clerk.


Request for use of Playing Field Equipment for severely learning disabled:- A request had been received explaining the situation in full. It was agreed to allow this young person to use equipment, advising equipment in the Playing Fields is designed for disabled adults as well as young children to use and the Parish Council are happy for them to use Action: Clerk.













































Roche Public Conveniences/Bus Shelters:-  Clerk reported a response had been received from Cormac in respect of the damaged bus shelter on Victoria Road advising they had visited, measures and confirmed they could repair it, but could not guarantee the repair, but would do their best to ensure it is safe and watertight.  Cost to get the new roof poly in place is £365.00 plus vat.  It is a large piece and will take at least 3 men to install.  It was resolved to accept this quotation (Proposed:  Councillor M. Edyvean; Seconded: Councillor M. Taylor) Action: Clerk.







Footpath Signs/Matters:-  Councillor Mrs. L. Harrison reported on a den that appears to have been built up near Roche Rock, there is a fire and garage door.  Chairman suggested this is reported on Cornwall Council’s fly tipping online page Action: Clerk to send the link to Councillor Mrs. L. Harrison to complete.


Councillor D. Yelland expressed concerns regarding cut barbed wire at Roche Rock Action: Chairman will take a look and if criminal damage to the Police and the landowner should also report.


Councillor D. Yelland reported on the footpath opposite the duckpond that needs looking at as it seems to have had quite a lot wear in places Action: Chairman.

Clerk/ Cllr. Mrs. L. Harrison








Updating Community Emergency Plan:- Clerk reported the Community Emergency Plan had been updated as far as possible.  Information of the new Councillors can now be included, and the document then circulated and to include on the next agenda for finalisation Clerk.




Update on Land at St. Michaels Way:-  Clerk reported a response had been received from our Insurers advising whilst they do not have any objections to allowing the use of Council-land for a children’s party, as the Parish Council are not organising this event, our policy will not provide cover for the event itself and the party responsible for it should check with their respective home insurers for their advice. If they do not have any other insurance or their home insurers cannot cover it, a one-off event coverage can be obtained and as we are unable to endorse any of these options, a simple internet search should assist.  In relation to the bouncy castle; the supplier should have their own insurance for this and will also be responsible for erecting, supervising and dismantling it as hired inflatables are generally excluded under most policies. Even if an event is Council-run, our policies strictly exclude all liability towards inflatables. As the land is the responsibility of the Parish Council, our policy will continue to provide Public Liability cover up to £10m so if someone is injured or has their property damaged due to a defect with the land and can prove the Council are legally liable for this, our policy will respond. The event organiser should carry out a risk assessment and it would be prudent for the Council to either be involved in that or carry out their own, with any issues identified to be the Council’s responsibility, needing to be rectified before allowing the event to proceed. Each party should keep a copy of this on file, however, we will not need to see a copy as we cannot approve risk assessments, especially when the event is not organised by the Council. 


It was resolved to obtain a copy of their insurance and risk assessment and Parish Council to formulate an application form requesting this information, with a suggestion of an administration fee of £10.00 (Proposed: Councillor G. Rowe; Seconded: Councillor Mrs. S. Tippett) Action: Clerk.




















Update on Tree Surveys:-  Clerk reported the Contractor had confirmed he had not been able to sort out the quotation for the tree works due to other work commitments.


Councillor D. Yelland queried a creaky tree up Avenue which he had concerns about, Clerk to send a reminder Action: Clerk.






Wooden Crosses for Remembrance Day:- Clerk reported the crosses were in Tideford and she had received a telephone call today confirming the Landlord of the Rod and Line Public House had supplied these, the contact would try to establish where they got them from Action: Clerk to include on the Next Agenda. 





Working Group Party for the Village - Street/Road Signs in the Village/Parish and general tidy up of the Village/Parish as a whole (Including Planting in the Wishing Well near the Duckpond and artistry on wall of the planted area outside Trebonney Fish & Chip Shop):-  Chairman reported the plant Area outside Trebonney – Clerk and Chairman reported that Lanhydrock Garden Services had tidied up and planted this area free of charge for the village.  It was agreed to ask Vicky Bundy to kept weeded Action: Clerk.


It was agreed not to allow painting on the wall of the planted area outside Fish and Chip Shop Action: Clerk to inform Vicky Bund.

Planting in the Wishing Well near the Duck Pond – Parish Council agreed for Vicky Bundy to arrange some plants for this area up to the sum of £20.00 was agreed (Proposed: Councillor G. Rowe; Seconded: Councillor D. Yelland) Action: Clerk.











Articles for Parish Council Website/Newsletter:- It was agreed to include relevant information from the meeting this evening for the newsletter Action: Clerk.



Correspondence – Clerk listed correspondence and actions required:-

1.    Cornwall Council – Town & Parish Council Newsletter – 21st May; 4th June 2021

2.    Cornwall Council – Voluntary & Community Sector Covid-19 Update – 21st May; 4th June 2021

3.    Cornwall Rural Community Council – Funding for Village Halls and Playing Fields from Sport England

4.    Great Western Railway – News on the return of Intercity Express Trains

5.    Came & Company – Newsletter

6.    Great Western Railway – Intercity Express Train Timetables

7.    CALC – Code of Conduct Training Sessions

8.    CALC – Steve Parkinson Finance for Councillors Training Courses – Remaining Places for 2021

9.    Cornwall Council – Planning News for Local Councils and Agents – May 2021

10. Office of the Police & Crime Commissioner – Survey for Councillor Advocates

11. Cornwall Council – Planning Induction Training for Local Councils – 22nd 23rd and 24th June 2021

12. Cornwall Council Pensions – Employer Newsletter (May 2021)

13. Nurseplus Care at Home – Supporting Residents in the Local Parish

14. Cornwall Council – River Camel

15. Cornwall Council – Latest Forest for Cornwall Newsletter

16. Eden Project – The Big Lunch 2021

17. Cornwall Council – Climate Change Working Group Meeting – 28th June 2021 at 6.00pm online using Microsoft Teams

18. St. Stephen in Brannel Parish Council – Cluster Group Formation

19. Highways England – A30 Highgate to Victoria – Overnight Westbound Closure 3rd and 4th June 2021

20. April and May E-News from Steve Double MP

21. Cornwall Council – Code of Conduct Training Video Link

22. 20’s Plenty for us Campaign – Default Speed Free Webinar Thursday 20th May video recording

23. Growth Hub – Webinar – Find out more about free support for local businesses

24. Cornwall Rural Housing Association Limited – Recruiting Voluntary Board Members

25. Su Johnston – Cornwall’s Climate Change Challenge

26. Cornwall Council Pensions – June 2021 Employer Newsletter

27. Cornwall Council – China Clay Network Panel – Annual General Meeting to be held on Monday 14th June at 7.00pm via Microsoft Teams

28. Cornwall Council – Report it – Wild Camping

29. Cornwall Council – Cornwall Place Board – Website and Ambassador Scheme Launch



To arrange any Sub-Committee Meetings required:-  None.



Any Urgent Matters the Chairman considers relevant for this meeting:-


Duck Pond – Concerns had recently been received in respect of the sad state of the Duck Pond by local residents, along with sightings of vermin.  This had been reported to Environmental Health by residents, the Clerk and Cornwall Councillor P. Guest.


Clerk reported she had spoken with Roger Gilley today and he had confirmed they are responsible for the Duck Pond.  RS Developments will be closing down shortly, they have one final matter to action and are currently in negotiations with Cornwall Council in respect of the land next to the Rock Inn for them to take on as payment of the S106 money, as they have no money left for this contribution and this was a way of keeping the commitment in place. There are two options with the future of the Duck Pond and the possibility of new ownership, which is either auctioning off or passing to the Parish Council free of charge, this would be the duck pond and surrounding land and land opposite the area as well. It was agreed the Clerk obtains written correspondence to this effect so the Parish Council can consider at the next meeting, ensuring to make it clear the area will be sorted of the problems raised before any take-over Action: Clerk.


Information on the site had been received from David Alcock which had been circulated.  Councillor M. Taylor reported on the area, and he suggests the Parish Council should seriously consider taking this land over as if auctioned it could be sold to a developer.  He believes if dredged and cleared of rubbish, it could be looked after reasonably well.


It was also agreed the Clerk obtain a contact in Cornwall Council who they are liaising with in respect of the land next to the Rock Inn Action: Clerk.


Neighbourhood Plan for next agenda Action: Clerk


Duchy Defibrillators – Clerk reported an email had been received in respect of the cabinet and defibrillator at Roche School. The school no longer has internet access to the room behind the cabinet, which means there is no internet connection at the cabinet. Duchy Defibrillators have been asking them to have their IT team to have a look and to see if possible to have this sorted, but it has not been done.  Duchy Defibrillators have been manually checking the cabinet monthly to allow it to remain online with the ambulance service, but we do not receive any notifications from the cabinet in real time, and rely on the ambulance service to inform us of its use, which is not ideal. They could use a mobile data device to carry out the internet connection over the mobile networks and have the technology for this to happen. However there is a monthly cost involved in this (the same as a mobile phone). This is £10+VAT (£12) per month. They wondered whether the Parish Council be prepared for this to be used, or whether we have any contacts within the school that could push this along for them.  Councillor Mrs. L. Harrison confirmed the Foodbank have now taken over this cabinet now and she would follow up why there was no internet connection and would follow up Action: Councillor Mrs. L. Harrison.


Tree Planting Initiative – Email received advising the Woodland Trust are giving three million trees free of charge, available on first come first serve basis to community groups from this month (details on Woodland Trust website) as part of the Queens Platinum Jubilee celebrations.

It was asked whether the Parish Council could consider a community initiative to plant 70 saplings in celebration of this event. Would be marking this special occasion and excellent for Mother Nature. I for one would be happy to volunteer for a few planting out days and I am would enjoy involving my son so he learning more about being green. I feel sure others in the area would be keen to participate if it goes in the Roche newsletter.  If other clay villages also considered this initiative, a considerable number of new trees could be planted in this region which would be a great legacy for future generations. It was resolved to request 70 saplings if available Action: Clerk.


Farmer Engagement on Criggan Moor – Email from University of Exeter – Woodland Valley Farm/Cornwall Beaver Project.  It was agreed to include on the next agenda and Clerk circulates correspondence to Councillors Action: Clerk.

































Cllr. Mrs. L. Harrison















Date of next Meeting:- Monday the 5th July 2021 at 6.30pm to be held in the Roche Victory Hall Large Main Hall, Roche Victory Hall.

There being no further business to discuss the meeting closed at 8.10pm






Signature:     ………………………………………………




Date:               5th July 2021